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5/24/2015 11:10:09 AM

Origins of The House

The first was a Hunter, who was stranded in the Cosmodrome for months. His armor shattered under the weight of the Darkness, so he forged new armor from that of Fallen Captains. He fed off of wild dogs, and collected rainwater to drink. He survived until a brave Titan ventured far enough into the wilderness to stumble upon the Hunter's camp. The Titan rescued him from his violent purgatory, and took him back to The Tower. To home. During a medical exam of the Hunter, a Warlock historian noticed something strange. The Hunter's ghost was dead. Yet the Hunter lived. This is how it all began. The Warlocks studied the Hunter for months, vigorously investigating every detail. But alas, it was fruitless. The Hunter, without explanation, appeared to have survived without the light that kept his synapses firing. He was now independent of The Traveler. However, this did not come without a price. His life force had begun to decay during his isolation. When he was brought back to The Tower, the light stabilized his decay. However, it could not repair the damage. He existed, hovering between life and death. Never fully taken over by either. He lived under the watchful eyes of his "friends". That's when the next one came. A Warlock, left drifting in deep space, after his ship was destroyed by a stray meteor. The Hunter saw the judgment and scrutiny directed at the Warlock. That's when he had an idea. Thus, The House of the Faded was born.



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