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由Star Gazer2編輯: 5/25/2015 10:10:17 PM

Urrox, The Flame Prince, lvl34 Tips

Yes, these tips helped!


No, these tips did not help!




Me and my friend just two-manned Urrox on the level 34 PoE, here are some tips that we used: 1. Trust, You need to be able to trust one another to take on roles and cover each other. 2. Location, As soon as we entered the Hive arena, we went straight left to fine some cover at far back wall. You will find a fallen crate behind a pillar, go there. 3. Roles, We didn't go straight in blasting ghorns because that didn't work. We assigned one to constantly attack with snipers and scout rifles while the other watched for mobs. 4. Time, Take it slow and safe, don't rush. We found that when Urrox takes a certain amount of damage he will spawnsome more mobs and you will be overwhelmed. Also time when you can attack and when you must wait for the Flaming Floor. If you take too much damage then get behind cover and wait for Urrox to finish his attack. 5. Shoot the mobs first, Yes you heard me, instead of shooting the boss we instead cleared the room of mobs (they do stop spawning), but like the tip before, he will summon more mobs when taking too much damage, mostly in small amounts like one ogre, three thrall, two knights, or six acolytes. When those mobs have spawned, stop shooting the boss and clear the room again. 6. Flame Floor, We both ran as titans with blessing of light and used it sparingly. We found that at full health you can survive four jumps off of the ground, but when mobs are around then we drop a bubble and let the blessing of light keep taking the damage as we enter and exit the bubble. Not sure about the other classes but that bubble really helps. p.s. we had solar burn so Urrox's Flame Floor did more damage. 7. Don't be a Hero, You don't need to tank the damage or divert the attention of every mob or die needlessly. Just secure the location, keep the mobs under population, and back each other up. Take turns, you're all in it together. I hope these tips helped and you get your reward. Like and Comment below if you have any suggestions or have any new strategies to offer.



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  • Tip for Warlocks, use Angel of Flight. You can last 4 seconds in the air in the cramped left-corner. Mobs are the most dangerous, Urrox himself is only a pain on Arc damage, only because he'll deal tons of damage himself. Mobs however, do swarm on you and do spawn after every Rage. I agree on taking your time, however don't take too long. The mobs will become stronger every wave, to the point where they'll all be Ultras. And Ultra Wizards and Knights will hurt a lot.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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