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由HELP1NG HAND編輯: 8/11/2015 4:55:43 PM

Pahanin's End -Part 4

Part 3: [url][/url] [b][u]Part 4[/u][/b] Acting on reflex, Pahanin threw himself on the ground and heard the snap of a bullet go by. A moment later the report of the rifle echoed up the valley. "Move!!" Pahanin yelled. In an instant, he was on his sparrow and rocketing away from Dredgen Yor. Before he made it fifty feet, the external antenna mounted to his left shoulder disappeared with a TWANG! as a second round went by. "Are you still hacked into his systems?!" Pahanin yelled over the whine of the sparrow's afterburner. His ghost confirmed that it was. "Then tell me when he lines up another shot!" He mashed the sparrow's controls and hung on tight. A secondary drive activated and, leaving a brilliant blue trail of energy, the bike gave a sudden and incredible blast of extra speed. Veering toward a bend in the valley, the plan was to evade Dredgen, and inform the Vanguard of the threat he had become. Suddenly, Ghost shouted an alarm. "Incoming!" The last round had barely missed to the left, so Pahanin juked the controls and the sparrow gave a sudden lateral leap to the right. The high powered round missed entirely, passing through the empty space his head had filled only an instant before. With incredible speed, Pahanin reached the bend in the valley and flew around the corner beyond the reach of Dredgen's sniper rifle. "Ghost, get us to orbit!" Pahanin said urgently. After a moment, the ghost reported "I can't remotely access our jump-ship. The external antenna array has been damaged." Pahanin raised his left arm and looked at what was left of the antenna. The entire piece of hardware was gone, save for two twisted bits of metal that were bolted to his armor. "What about the backup antenna?" Pahanin asked "I know its less powerful, but that's what its there for." "Its no good" Ghost said after a moment. "There's some sort of interference. The Cabal are probably jamming the frequency." "Or it could be Dredgen" added 'Vice. Neither case would have surprised Pahanin. "Well we are gonna need a new one if we want to get off the planet." "The Cabal would have compatible communications equipment in their war base that I could cannibalize" said Ghost. "Or we could take what we need off of that creep who just shot at us" suggest 'Vice. "So do we take on an entire Cabal garrison or one guardian?" Pahanin asked. After a few seconds, he made the decision. "We already have Dredgen pursuing us, we don't need to be starting a second fight right now." "Dredgen is a skilled hunter" said 'Vice, "he won't let our trail get cold." Pahanin nodded in agreement. "And when he catches up to us, it will be in a place of our choosing." With that he stoked the throttle on the sparrow and roared away, up into the Martian highlands. Part 5: [url][/url]



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