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由Darkened_Insight編輯: 6/5/2015 2:49:00 PM

ToO Trials of Osiris new...

ToO - Trials of Osiris, new implementation: Should Bungie just make it that when you go 9-0, your character can no longer re-enter the trials for that week? Wouldn't that solve allot of player issues with assumed and real cheaters? I would think once the best (and worst/cheaters) are out of the trials, it would make it more competitive, enjoyable and welcoming for the rest of the community to join in it. An extra incentive would be that the 1st 1000 folks to go 9-0 receive an extra "boon" or reward for the week? --- In regards to comments below, and assuming that my math is right.... Didn't the Bungie stats from last week reveal that only 2% of the folks that played ToO made it to the Lighthouse? So wouldn't the impact to the player community be minimal but positive?



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  • I do agree it's a little stupid people can just re enter trials. Especially for the very good pvpers who are either carrying friends or just straight out denying light house runs. With that being said all of destiny endgame content is replayable without rewards earned, effectively you would need to shutdown all end game content once rewards were given that week ie vog or POE to be fair. Bungie won't do this. It restricts the gamer and the ability to help other team or clan mates plus it shortens the life span of the game. It's annoying but it is what it is I'd be surprised if trials has any changes made to it



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  • I agree.



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  • If you go 9-0 you should no longer face players trying to go 9-0. You should be put into a matchmaking with other 3 man teams that have gone 9-0. There's a lot of cheating going on in Trials. You just got to go to YouTube to see for yourself. So after these people get their fake 9-0 flawless loot, take them out of matchmaking so the people who are trying to do it legitimately can get there. When people stand at the cap zone, and take 5 clips to the head and don't lose health, they cap the zone, then kill you. That's not fun. I don't even care if they get banned, just give them their fake loot, and take them out of match making. And for those going flawless legit, I salute you. No disrespect. You got your loot. Now battle against other people who have completed it. No point in Bungie pairing people trying to get loot with people that can't even get loot again.



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  • 由TheGodAmongMen編輯: 6/5/2015 7:14:40 PM
    Why would they implement such a terrible feature? trials isn't supposed to be easy, if you can't win while the best players are playing you shouldn't be able to make it to the lighthouse.



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  • Just make it so the flawless players of that week only play against other flawless players and compete for greater rewards I love elimination, I'd hate being banned from it just because I did well.



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  • No!!! Now we want to nerf players omg!!!! Crucible is full of nerf hearding crybaby loosers!!! I want the light house I may never make it? But I for sure don't want to nerf/ban my way there? Wtf



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  • 由Solid_XV編輯: 6/5/2015 6:28:33 PM
    Stop with this STUPID POINTLESS post about how they can make the Lighthouse more accessible to CASUAL PVE players. I do both and enjoy all the content. And I love the getting flawless n playing with friends to help them. Bungie is not going to lock players who go flawless to make it easier on players who are not good in PvP. Stop it already. 9 wins is EASY. Easier than lvl 35 skolas. 45 minutes and I get flawless.



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  • 由Elitespear編輯: 6/5/2015 4:53:41 PM
    The only reason I rejoin after flawless is to help other people. The problem with what you're suggesting is that it would prevent friends from being able to team up with each other. Not good. Maybe have the party leader be someone who hasn't gone flawless, that might work better.



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  • Why do I have to get blocked from playing a fun game mode just because others don't want to either a. Practice, get better, and earn like the rest of us or b. Go the lazy way and whine on the forums to kick me out. I would be agreeable to locking me out only if the provide the elimination game mode in normal crucible



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  • It is an excellent idea. One 9-0 per character.



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  • After going flawless you usually end up helping your friends out to get to the lighthouse. So, I think that would be a bad idea. Getting to the lighthouse is supposed to be hard and challenging. The first activity in Destiny where you actually have to EARN your rewards



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  • This is like the billionth thread I've seen on 'take the good players out of Trials' how about you just learn to play Crucible like the rest of us did?



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  • 1



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  • 由Thirst For Joy編輯: 6/5/2015 4:28:58 PM
    Probably wouldn't solve much. What's to stop really good player who've already went flawless from using different characters and purposely losing at least once? Meaning they could still compete in ToO while also keeping others from ever going flawless.



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  • No. If you want the gear. You gotta beat Everyone not just the bad people. And some play it just because that game mode is way better than other game modes and it is more competitive.



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    • No I like helping out my friends as well. And it's the most fun pvp gamemode on the game. Maybe they should make it so that you only need 9 wins, not flawless to go to the lighthouse so it's more accesible for everyone. This also with eyes to the future because there will come a time where the bad pvp players get sick of losing and there are only high skilled teams left making it close to impossible for anyone to get to the lighthouse.



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    • So you want me to waste my time making another toon just to do trials? I am happy helping people on my hunter



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    • Don't force them out, just don't make a loss to them count. Personally, I'm fine with how trials+lighthouse is right now. "If you wanna be the man, you gotta beat the man! Woooooooooo!!!!!" -nature boy Ric Flair



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    • No. Just... No.



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    • One trials passage per week? Dun dun dunnn



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    • I love how some people lose, and just can't take it so they blame it on cheating. Yes some people do cheat, but I guarantee it's not happening as much as people are making it seem



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    • No. Purely because getting to the Lighthouse for people that have already been there is just the icing on the cake that is Trials of Osiris. The reason we continue to play after going flawless is simple - it's fun! To lock someone out of the most enjoyable content available in Destiny right now based on their success within the game mode makes no sense in my opinion.



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      • if only 2% made it to the lighthouse..... how come every frigging game i played last week we came up against 9-0 players...? and i mean every single one!



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        • Signed.



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        • I don't like it. Trials is the most/only competitive playlist in the Crucible. I have been to the Lighthouse several times and while that is cool, I really just enjoy the competitive nature of the gametype. Restricting me from doing this wouldn't be cool imo. This isn't meant to be an easy gametype, not everyone is going to get there. The sooner people accept that the better.



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          • I see what you mean. I've gone flawless. And yes there has been teams I've completely mopped the floor with. (I'm not saying I'm the aweeesssomest crucible Playa eva) lol. I've lost my fair share of games. But instead of removing flawless players completely. Why not make it to were we can still play, but can't matched up against those who haven't gone flawless yet?



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