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由Zodiarkflow編輯: 6/23/2015 2:59:20 AM

Which character should I be?

Stealthy Mage - Mage with stealth and Illusion mag


Battlemage - Heavy armor + spells


Nightstalker - Archer with Bound bow only


Reaver - Two-Handed badass


Knight - Typical sword and shield


Pure-Blood Mage - Spells 4 DaYz


Alchemist - Alchemy + spells+ enchanting


I will post a poll and see which character in Skyrim I should play as. The one with the most votes wins. Edit: Oh I forgot to add spellsword... character with destruction spells and one-handed weapons... If you want this, type it into chat. :D (Recommended by time_lord_323. Thnx! XD) Also, there is now a new class added: Gandalf. Post Gandalf for Gandalf character. (Thnx Raijin VII!)



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  • You forgot the best class. Fisticuffs. Argonian or Kahjit for the added unarmed bonus damage. Argonians get 10, Kahjit get 15. Skill trees inlcude Heavy armour, smithing, and enchanting. Max your smithing and heavy armour as soon as possible for two reasons. The heavy armour perk for your gauntlets doing their base armour rating in unarmed damage is god teir with dragon or daedric armour. Enchanting combined with the gloves of the puglist disenchanted, found in the ratway sewers, at max level, can be applied to a ring, a necklace I believe, and your gauntlets, for a grand total of an extra 36 unarmed damage. The enchanting can also be applied to your armour to make up for some of your weaknesses. Let's do some math. Assuming you went kahjit. 15 unarmed damage. Base level dragon bone gauntlets do 90 damage. Rings and enchanted armour at 100 enchanting add 35 damage. All for a grand total of 140 damage. Fists are the fastest form of attack method in the game meaning that you can do 140 damage per second. And, for additional kicks, take the perk in the vampire skill tree that gives your unarmed attacks poison damage. You now have the ability to fist everything in Skyrim.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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