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由Kenobi Trice編輯: 2/8/2015 5:40:31 AM

4th Playable Race/class

First, I would just like to say that user [b]Insomniatron[/b] suggested the idea on another thread. I'm simply stating the idea. There are a few grimoire cards throughout the library that talk about fallen. One in particular speaks of a Fallen Vandal that Cayde-6 encounters that actually helps him fight several Hive. This is, to say the least, badass. The queen also has two bodyguards in the story ( I've seen the cutscenes 9001 times so I remember that). This may suggest that the Fallen (lower ranks at least) are merely slaves serving a master. If the slaves could be freed, than maybe they would help us against the darkness. So how about a 4th playable race. Instead of calling them the fallen, however, they could be called [b]The Risen[/b]. Several cosmetic factors could also be added in i.e.: different breathing apparatuses to assist in ether intake( these would replace the hair options)different scars, and several eye colors. Docked arms and non docked arms may also be an option, along with tattoos that show their old loyalty to a fallen house (Devils, Winters, etc.). The story would be pretty simple. You are a Fallen that was woken from death by the traveller, just like the other gaurdians. Along with this tree, maybe their could be a fourth class released. I have no ideas on this, but in most games that Destiny takes it's roots from, races and classes are released hand in hand. Comment what you think!



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  • This is an awesome idea. I would have the starting weapon be a sidearm. I also think the beggining should be you are treated badly by your kell/baron/captain and are docked. So you desert and head out towards the city in search of help. You fight through hive and other fallen. You eventually get to the city and after a lot of gun pointing, you are accepted with some reluctancy. You embark on a bunch of quests and eventually prove yourself. The city helps you get undocked. After undocking, you gain special access to the wire rifle, tracking pulse rifle things that vandals use, and arc swords. Your grenades include a trip mine (solar (more vertical hitbox) and arc(more horizontal hitbox)) and a flash bang. You don't get a double jump but your default jump is much higher than guardians (about the reach of double jump with higher jump) your super is you get a permanent camo with two arc swords or a ultra Schorch cannon similar to golden gun's power but fires sticky rounds. Just as a side not, this will probably never happen cuz bungie scrapped the idea of different stories based off the race of the player. The human was supposed to start of by escaping from a fallen raid and eventually making it to the city after running a while fighting through fallen. The awoken was supposed to start Out in the reef but you get banished by the urn and end up going to the city for help. The one we play today is the exo beggining.



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