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6/26/2015 10:43:57 PM

Discussing VIP Rewards and the $20 CE Gear

I am not angry, but just very ashamed and disappointed at the level of ignorance displayed by the fanbase here. All I want to discuss is why the VIP and CE Rewards are both half-assed attempts by Bungie to appease the players while sucking as much money from them as possible. If you can't understand why this is the case, or can't give a valid counter-argument, then kindly go away. First, the VIP rewards. Sure, we asked Bungie for some recognition towards the long-time players who have stuck with this game through the hard times, countless bugs, and sub-par content quality, and they gave it to us. But what the community didn't express (this is partly our fault), is that we wanted this reward to reflect actual loyalty, to give the true "veterans of destiny" something to use and be proud of. In other words, we wanted something rare that not many other players would have. What we got instead were criteria that pretty much gave these rewards to everyone playing destiny. Seriously, go on destiny after reading this, go to the tower, play pvp for awhile; everyone you see will have the VIP rewards when TTK drops, every single one of them. It's inevitable that after a week of boasting that shader and emblem, you'll simply get tired of seeing everyone else using them too, and take them off. "Oh, but at least the players who buy or come back to destiny when TTK drops won't have them, right?" Technically, yes, but the number of players who do that will be very small, resulting in no more than a 5% increase in the amount of people playing destiny. You can still be excited about the VIP rewards if you want, but stop spouting nonsense about how not many people will have them, because it's just not true. Then we get to the CE stuff. There really is no excuse for this, Desticles. 20 bucks for 9 items; the same price as the previous dlc's. Do you think that these 9 items have the same value as the dlc's?? Let's go over the content difference (in terms of character items), shall we? -TDB: Eris Morn, 3 shaders, 6 class items, 3 emblems, and a free gun/armor piece; Raid, 2 shaders, emblem, full armor/weapon set, sparrow, 2 ships, exotic weapon; strike, whole slew of random rewards; etc. -HoW: Variks, 3 class items for each character (9 total), 4 ships, 5 shaders; Petra, 2 shaders, ship, 2 emblems; PoE, shader, ship, full armor set, 2 full weapon sets, 3 exotic weapons; ToO, shader, ship, multiple emblems (not sure exactly how many), full armor/weapon set; strikes/pvp, ton of new legendary drops; etc. -TTK CE: 3 class items, 3 shaders, 3 emotes "But it's my money, and I can spend it how I want. If you don't like it, just don't buy it." Typically, this argument would be completely valid, pertaining to private products where there is only 1 user. But this a video game, with hundreds of thousands of players, all of which are affected by the monopolistic pricing that the game company pushes on it's consumers. Just because we say that we aren't going to pay the $20 doesn't mean that we don't want the content. We all do, at least a little bit, and just imagine if the price was $5 instead of $20. Then everyone would be happy. And it's possible to make Bungie bring the price down; we just have to voice out our resolve. Blindly saying "whatever, I'll just pay the 20 bucks. Who cares." doesn't make anything better. It leaves a lot of people who can't afford or simply don't want to pay out of cool content, and it tells Bungie and Activision that most of their consumers will pay almost any price for add-ons. Want to pay $60 for future dlc's? What if Destiny 2 costs $100 from the store? Keep paying these ridiculous prices, eventually it will get to that. Stop being so stupid and try to consider the consequences that will affect everyone. I honestly can't comprehend how so many people are defending Bungie's actions so fervently. There's gotta be a line somewhere, otherwise you'll be face-on-the-floor when the real world comes and slaps you back to reality.



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  • Just because I say I'm not going to pay the $250,000 doesn't mean I don't want the Lamborghini. Just because I say I'm not going to pay the 10,000 doesn't mean I don't want the gold apple watch. Just becausei say I'm not going to pay the 4.95 doesn't mean I don't want the big Mac. It's a stupid argument. Let's say 100,000 people would pay five dollars, but only 50,000 people will pay 20. That's 50,000 people who are upset!!! But it's a ton more money. The business decision isn't even close. Simple market research that any first year business student could carry out in their sleep would tell you that the loss in sales from the higher price, AND the loss in user trust, is dwarfed by the extra money from the already loyal fan base. In short, bungie doesn't AND SHOULDN'T care if they lose a few sales and a few users. Those are casualties of business. They're not a charity.



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