Parents, do your kids have rules for playing online ?
I commented on with this on another thead and it got me thinking.
Too many parents have no idea what their kids are doing online and its creating a community of assholes.I have set simple rules for my kids when they play online.
What rules, if any have you set?
*No trolling.(unless the other guy started, in which it is now considered payback)
*No griefing. (Minecraft)
*No [b][u]UNPROVOKED[/u][/b] teabagging.
*No corner camping.
*No spawn camping.
*No cheating/glitching in pvp.
*No team killing.
*No cheesing(same move over & over in fighting games)
*No yelling into the mic.
*No gloating(unless the other guy started it)
*Don't be a dick
[b]*EDIT 1:[/b] Thanks for good responses. If I didn't respond to then I you're comment then you're probably an idiot or a troll. Possibly both.
[b]*EDIT 2:[/b] UNPROVOKED teabagging. [quote]my boys are 11 & 13 and at that age teabagging is like gloating, bragging or teasing. That's not what I want my children doing. Those are not not the values I want my children having. However, the rule is "unprovoked", if someone's playing like an asshole then go for it. They deserve it.[/quote]
I'd say no trolling at all or griefing. In my book, the real word for those two things is just being a dick. It's different if it's 2 friends "trolling" each other to have fun and mess around, but I dont consider that real trolling.
Other than that, I'd let my kids do whatever they want in a game, it's just a game after all and they're kids. If they wanna be cheap as hell, they can corner came or use whatever glitches they want.
I wouldn't even say no cheating. If they cheat and their account gets banned, they'll suffer those consequences. Obviously I'd teach them and raise them to know cheating is wrong, but in a video game it will ultimately be up to them what they do, after all I can't watch 24/7.
Also, no telling people where you live, your age, or your real name. Those were my rules as a kid, and I just feel like giving out personal information like that is a no go for a child.
Other than that, I might not allow the 11 year old to play online at all unless there is a way to disable voice chat, I'm not entirely sure.
I wouldn't want my kid to miss out on playing mine craft with some buddies on console maybe, but I wouldn't want to expose him to the garbage and sailor mouths of the internet either.