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由Barzzan編輯: 7/13/2015 6:55:34 AM

Cheating on the Trials of Osiris....

Dear Deej, Well if you'd let me post a picture instead of needing a link I could post their names but at the end I'll write it. But I'll gladly send the picture of the teams names. Either way we were on our way to going 8-1 in the Trials we were up 3-0 (Kids didn't stand a chance) and all of a sudden we all get red bar connections. Their team included. Yet when my team went to score kills and revives it lagged and they would show up and kill us. This is why I hate playing trials of osiris. You have people who can't except a loss that cheat and ruin it for the ones who don't. And these people go on aspiring to do the exact same thing to avoid a loss. Watch the game if you have video all I have is a picture of their names and two others too back me up. I want the following people banned for whatever periods of time. I didn't pay 70$ for my games to he manipulated by a third party source. Sincerely I Am Demonz x



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