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7/14/2015 1:20:57 PM

No point in feedback guys...

The Destiny community has been a good and fair one while going head over heels to make the game it should have been and then bungie going and ruining it by taking away all of our year one stuff and then making us grind more time to get worse crap than we had to begin with in vanilla destiny and wasting our time even more. Destiny, your e3 previews looked better than you are today, minecraft is better than you. Almost any other game is better than you even Peggle 2... But destiny it's not your fault, you were perfect in the beginning until bungie gave you heroine(changed everything) that made you f$&@ed up and made you look ugly and unwanted. Then the dlc that was in the game to begin with and was FREE!!!! And then 40$ to pay to play. Then the grind of one year, ONE YEAR to try and get the stupid freekin GJALLAHORN when all of your friends have one or TWO and you get jack S$&@ for all the grind of the stupid game you've made! H3ll even my grind eho just got the game in June got one and I've been playing since day f$&@ing ONE!!!!! TTK looks cool and all but h3ll no I AINT Paying 40$ to playing dining that's not even a whole game. Your game sucks bungie. You should have stuck with halo you little pr&cks! With all my hatred for you now and playing minecraft instead. Yours truly.



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