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由Salohcin J編輯: 7/17/2015 2:37:29 AM

Where did Pahanin meet Kabr?/My Kabr theory

So here's what I got. Kabr went in with a team of 6 (the normal amount for a raid). We have (my theory) Kabr, Pahanin, Praedyth, and 3 others (some say Osiris but I disagree). They managed to make it to the Templar and Oracles. Once there, they realized they can't defeat the Templar and one member fell to the Oracles and was wiped out of existence [spoiler]The "stars" determine whether you're real or not[/spoiler] After seeing this, they find another passage away from the Templar that leads to the gorgons (perhaps a path yet to be found in game?). There, most people assume the rest of the team got wiped from history by the gorgons. I disagree somewhat. I think the remaining, unnamed 2 guardians and Praedyth were wiped out. Here's one of my theories on Praedyth: [spoiler]I believe that Praedyth was "wiped from history" like the others. However, he might have written stuff down which caused a time anomaly (the quotes seen on his weapons). This rift in time allowed his weapons to slip through[/spoiler] Anyways, now all we have is Pahanin and Kabr. I guess that Pahanin left Kabr after he forged the Aegis shield and went mad/possessed after "drinking of the Vex". However, Pahanin says he wasn't a friend of Kabr, which throws a wrench into my theory. What do you guys think? My grimoire is a little lacking so any info is greatly appreciated. I also have another theory in Praedyth: [spoiler]Somehow, after the gorgons, Praedyth and Kabr make it to Atheon (Pahanin got separated along the way). Praedyth gets stuck in teh future timegate (hence why his quotes are unknown since he technically never wrote them and why his fall "hasn't happened yet"). Kabr, whether overwhelmed by Vex and Atheon or fully possessed by the Vex in his blood and brain, leaves Praedyth in the future portal. He then wanders the Vault, insane, until Pahanin finds him and later leaves him to save himself.[/spoiler] Your thoughts?



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  • They're never going to tell us. All this speculation is just a pointless waste of time. You know that, right? So with that said, here's my theory: Imagine if you could send information back through time to yourself. You might use this power to avoid misfortune or exploit a game of chance. But you could also use it to gain new information you don't know even in the future by creating a causal loop. Say you want to open a combination lock. You tell your past self that the combination is 0000. When that doesn't work, your tell your past self to use 0001. In this way you guess until you get the correct combination. Any iteration in which you try an incorrect combination is erased from the timeline. In a more complicated form, this is the function of the Vault, and the reason the Oracles and the Gorgons have the power to erase entrants from time. Now, if you pay careful attention to Kabr's words as relayed by Pahanin, he describes the Vault in reverse sequence. It's almost as though he's not so much trying to penetrate the Vault as he is trying to escape it. I think that Kabr and his team attempt to seize the Vault, using the Aegis without understanding what it is. But when they confront Atheon the power of the Aegis fails and they are cast back through time. The full power of the Vault is brought against them and team members begin to succumb. Kabr makes a Faustian bargain and tries to use the power of the Vex against them. In doing this he gains understanding of the nature of the Vault and realizes that the Aegis failed in the end because his own victory would erase the timeline in which he created it. Using his "own Light and the thinking flesh of the Vex" he creates the Aegis, a means of seizing control of some portion of the causal loop mechanism underlying the Vault. Bereft of the protection of the Light, the Vex begin to corrupt and assimilate Kabr. Ghostless and fighting for his own sanity, Kabr faces his final Trial: the struggle to pass on the information necessary for other Guardians to take up the cause. With Pahanin as his messenger, he preserves hope for a future that cannot be rewritten to suit the Vex, but also sets in motion the events that lead to his own downfall.



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    • The question isnt when, the question is, [spoiler]are pandas in the black or white area? Or grey[/spoiler]



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    • Good theory. I believe the Kabr stuff is the secret to the 6th and 7th chest



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      • what level were they? these guys must have been noob scrubs if they kept wiping and could never finish the vault.



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        • Please fix Pahanin's name, it's very annoying



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          • I actually think they met on the LFG



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            • 由JudgeOfTheWest編輯: 7/17/2015 12:09:50 AM
              I believe Kbar is Xur because he killed a gorgon and used it's remains and his light to create the relic because he knew he was going to die as he saw his whole strike team die one by one so he used his light to create the relic under the assumption he was going to die but no he didn't he lost his light and became a creature of the darkness (Xur) so he comes back every week to help guardians finish what he started and as Kabr says "If I speak again, I am not Kabr"



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              • Good stuff man! Thanks for the post



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              • cool. i love VoG.



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