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7/17/2015 1:32:47 AM

Congrats crybabies, you got what you wanted.

Most of us already saw it coming, and while I do agree with the changes coming, there are two guns that personally I think didn't deserve a nerf. Ice Breaker and Gjhallahorn. C'mon now, theres a reason why Ghorn in the first place is one the most elusive weapons to get, and for those that had it and barred other people who didn't have it to play with them...this is your fault, good job for being douches. Ice Breaker was hardly used in PvP after everyone started exploiting the final round perk...I'm so at a loss for words I don't know what to say. All in all i agree with the retuning of all the weapons, but those 2 should have been untouched. P.S. I don't bar anyone from playing with me if they don't have Ghorn.



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