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由Stef_IX編輯: 5/31/2015 1:51:43 PM

Destiny Biggest Problem: Elitism and etc

(I am not a native english speaker) Hello Bungie Team,I am great fan of Destiny. I consider me a player that its between the game elites and the game casual gamers. While surfing the net i found this gamerant post and i wanted to show it to the community. Gamerant post: Video: Most Notable Effect: only lvl 28-34 players play destiny PLEASE,ON FUTURE DLC´S OR PATCHES ADD MATCHMAKING TO ALL THE ENDGAME RAIDS/ARENAS (vault of glass,prison of elders,crotas end,etc) , BUT NOT AS OBBLIGATORY,BUT AS OPTIONAL (sorry for this extremely bad english) But anyways we all still love the game



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  • after introducing myself into the hardcore/pro part of the game community now i know that teaming up with casuals on ToO,VoG,PoE, ect (matchmaking and sometimes LFG) is bad beacouse they leave,they dont have time, they ragequit , etc.



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