Randal needs to be like the black knight of the fallen- have him wear different looking, all black armor. Be a total badass and hold a weapon in each arm.
He's randomly Randal.
I was on patrol, happened to be wearing Khepri's sting, equipped backstab perk, and went to visit Randal. Crouched behind the rock he calls home with his little shank buddy, went invis, backstabbed Randal, OHKO.
No -blam!-ing way, I thought, so I went off and smacked up a couple nearby pushover fallen while waiting for Randal to respawn. Try numero dos: Randal dead again.
Khepri's + Backstab OP! So I went for one more try. Third time, only took about 1/8th of his health off, and I thought to myself, finally, the real Randal and not some weak ass spawn clone. Of course, I proceeded to finish him off with 5-6 rockets and walk away unscathed, but yeah, his attacks just tickle. That's what needs a buff.