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8/2/2015 9:29:25 PM

Story Questions and Findings...

Ok so today I got a bounty to go back into the Black Garden and whenever I got about halfway through I came the room where you have the kill the Decisive Mind to bring down a barrier, that had a wall taken out of it towards the right of the room that I hadn't noticed before and in that room I found a door with a barrier that I couldn't get through, not sure what its about possibly a zone for the next expansion? Also has anyone ever thought of the fact that the location where Crota's Throne room and the Bridge are in Crota's End look a lot like the Black Garden with the green lighting and the red flower petals everywhere? Also if you play through the Black Garden mission you can see a huge canyon beyond the heart and I think that is the Oversoul from the raid. Let me know what you guys think I think that this is really interesting.



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  • The barrier blocks an area you go to in one of the strikes from TDB (don't remember the name). Other people have mentioned the similarity between Crota's backdrop and the end of the Black Garden, but I thought the sky around Crota looked more like it was full of blood droplets. Could just be a coincidence that the colour palette was similar. Story-wise, Crota's End is set not on the moon but in Crota's own reality (possibly in his mind - I think the grimoire is intentionally unclear, unless I misread). The Black Garden wasn't on Mars until after the heart was destroyed (Dinklebot says it's not on any maps of time or space), so the possibility of the Hive and Vex 'sharing' some alternate dimension isn't ruled out necessarily.



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