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8/11/2015 7:51:17 AM

Vanquisher XIII: Still The King of Crucible

Setup that's on mine: ( ) - Currently Equipped -Selectable Perk 1- Steadyhand IS (Red Dot-ORS1) Ranged Lens RLS3 -Primary Perk 1- Spray and Play -Selectable Perk 2- High Caliber Rounds (Fitted Stock) Single Point Sling -Primary Perk 2- Glass Half Full I've had this weapon since the beginning (back at Max Damage 300) and still has never given up, whether it be PvP or PvE. It competes heavily with Thorn and Last Word, is on par with Suros Regime, as well as having a high aim assist, making it the perfect headshot weapon. Until the buff comes out in 2.0, this thing will be unstoppable! I have been slowly jumped back into the Crucible as a new hunter with this gun, and hasn't lost a single firefight. If you have an old weapon you still hold onto, what is it and why do you still keep it? Let us all know in the comments below! This could show those that use Thorn/Last Word/Red Death/Shotguns/etc a change of heart before 2.0 rolls out.



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  • 由MoneyShotUrGf編輯: 8/11/2015 1:04:14 PM
    You have a 1.2 k/d. You cannot say that your Vanquisher has not lost a single firefight, because it has. It has lost many. Because auto rifles suck right now. EDIT: On a different note, how the hell is your weapon of choice melee? You have ~40% more melee kills than your next best weapon lol.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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