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由xRADIOACT1V3x編輯: 8/12/2015 7:32:54 PM

OH GOD WHAT THE HELL (Sonic Cringe Warning)

WHY IS THIS A THING? WHY DID THIS NEED TO EXIST? WHO MADE THIS? WHAT DRUGS WERE THEY ON? HOW MUCH DID THEY TAKE? ALL THESE QUESTIONS AND MORE... [spoiler]WILL BE ANSWERED THIS SUNDAY NIGHT WHEN JOHN CENA DEFENDS HIS TITLE IN THE DUBYA DUBYA EEEEEE SUPERSLAAAAAAAAM!!!![/spoiler] [spoiler]Seriously though, what the hell is this... [/spoiler] (Content warning! The game may contain some...messed up scenes. I haven't watched the video Myself, but saw the thumbnail and was driven out before the vid buffered. ) [url=]click here to be taken to the article (which contains a link to the game.) [/url]



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