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由Kurasaki編輯: 8/25/2015 8:12:19 PM

BUNGIE arachnid SEX FETISH!!!?

In game footage of Empyrean Bellicose: I sincerely thought we were done with this, I honestly though the bug helms were over...Finally the hunter helms look nice, the new gear seemed promising...this was Bungie's "exotic" reveal/redemption from the whole exotic fiasco...and they fooking reveal this junk...Why is Bungies Gear Designer sexually aroused by beetles, pigeons and all things arachnid??!!! Mask of the third man: Arachnid mouth Knucklehead radar: Arachnid mouth Ats/8 Arachnid- Arachnid mouth Achlyophage Symbiote- [i]Face Herpes[/i]...not an arachnid mouth, but not an improvement either... Eyes of the Kell helm- not an exotic, but def an arachnid mouth... And now this junk is getting on titan armor...seriously Titans, Hunters, and Warlocks alike please tell me does anyone like (and I'm talking about the armor schemes above specifically) these arachnid mouth, bug faced armor schemes, I liked Jet Force Gemini but not that much...If people honestly do like these(and ESPECIALLY if you dont) please be vocal below...if people honestly like these armors then I'll stop and resume being the odd one apparently...but as it stands these Bug helms defacing our guardians is sincerely frustrating and ugly as f***... [b] TL;DR Honestly I'm jesting and not trying to murder nor harbor anger towards anyone who designs or likes these bug armor schemes...BUT SERIOUSLY WHO THE F*** KEEPS MAKING THESE AND DOES ANYONE LIKE THEM 0_0...[/b] Please post below in regards to your position...^-^ PS: Excusive picture found of Bungie Lead Gear Designer during leisure hours at home...



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