Yes, on occasion. I will bag to irritate and make the receiver play worse. Works mostly. They keep hunting you down and throw the game. Other than that no. Mine is respectful because I will only bag the leader in points. Help's us scrubs along you know.
I am not a big fan of the TB because I feel it is childish but I am not opposed to people celebrating a good kill. Case and point, yesterday I heard a blade dancer pop arc blade. I instinctively started running in the opposite direction however he caught me easily. I spent roughly 15 seconds jumping back and forth to dodge his super. Upon successfully dodging it I had a surprise for him...I popped my own golden gun and let off a round and his direction. He slid under my golden gun and shot me with his Matador and I died. As I stood there watching my orb waiting to respawn the guardian waved at me. I thought that was a pretty good way to celebrate a nice exchange that could have seen us both fall to supers.
Bag! I love to bag! You suck I bag You die I bag You kill me and I kill you back, I bag I bag heavy prior to dropping I bag special when I'm outta sniper I bag failed supers I bag losses I bag wins I bag girls and guys I bag teammates who died doing something stupid I bag for remembrance of fallen hero's I bag vex I bag cabal I bag fallen I bag hive I bag patrols missions completed I bag raid bosses downed I bag everyone and everything I salute you other bag hero's! I appreciate a good bag when I die. You win in Trials better bag up solider! Best me with a shotgun, bag my face! Snipe me, distance bag! Out gun me, bag away! But if you thorn me and bag after you ran away... Better not bag bro, shit is disrespectful!