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8/25/2015 5:07:29 PM

Year one raid and exotic weapons

Bungie I'm not sure why you constantly thought weapons needed tweaking. I could understand why you would for PVP but there's no reason to for PVE. Besides the lack of vault space this has always been the biggest issue. Now for year two you are making us leave all of our favorite raid weapons behind along with select exotics....the most obvious of which is the beloved gjallarhorn. Everyone I have spoken to can't u stay and why you don't let us ascend our raid weapons and ALL of the exotics at the very least. I can see leaving other legendary weapons behind but why make us leave the VOC, Fatebringer etc I our vaults just so we can go back and play old raids? You sold the gjallarhorn for the second time in the games history win a few weeks to go in year one just so you can nerf it for all and not even let us ascend it? Why not just give us all the weapons with a big F off and tell us that we can't play with them in the new DLC? Seriously Bungie! What the hell are you trying to accomplish?



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