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由Oxyngen編輯: 9/2/2015 3:32:13 AM

Felwinter God roll.

On the last day of the last iron banner before TTK, I finally grabbed a felwinter. Was by far the most elusive legendary of my collection and I felt kind of sad just buying it, but I decided to reroll the vendor edition. A few rolls in and I get Aggressive ballistics, shot package, rifled barrel and knee pads. I'm ecstatic. Even if it becomes an ancient relic, I finally snagged the OG shotty that ruined everyone's day. Sorry for the random post guys, just needed to express my joy. Edit: 80 replies, wow. I didn't think this would get any responses. Thanks for those who gave me kudos and I hope RNG brings misery to those who were lame about it. Edit 2: for everyone that's like "oh it's not even close to the original it blows" I have a matador with aggressive ballistics, shot package, final round and rifles barrel that would like to have a word with you. I wanted it as a collectors item and happened to snag a good roll. Jeeez there's some salty guys out tonight.



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