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由I 4M M3G47R0N編輯: 9/2/2015 4:28:42 PM
I couldn't agree more! I want to be able to ascend any legendary or exotic of my choice. If bungie makes better weapons or more unique weapons then I'll use them too. But the point is, I want the choice. I want to be able to roll with whatever is going to be the best weapon/armor for the situation. Plus, I want to look awesome. There's a good chance the some of the new stuff with be good, and most of it will be vanilla. The more I can customize the player to who I am and how I play, the more fun the game is, and more identifiable the character I spent so many hours creating becomes. I don't want to tear down my characters anymore because I know what went into it to make it awesome. In fact, I wouldn't mind having another slot or two to make a couple more. I really hope Bungie reads this and takes it seriously. I really want the awesome guns of year 1 in future years, along with the awesome guns of the next years! (armor too) #infusionforall #infusion #CommunityWishList #feedback



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