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由Vindicator5599編輯: 9/10/2015 7:23:54 AM

MGSV or Witcher 3

I call to the aid of the gaming community to tell me which one of these games I should get. I have heard wonderful things about both, and seen reviews that give them both high scores. I love stealth gameplay as much as story and I also love a medieval fantasy genre that makes you feel like a badass warrior. There is a problem of I don't know the story of both games and think that it would be hard for me to catch up. I can afford both but I want to get one at a time. Which should I get? On a side note I played MGSGZ and I liked how visually stunning it was as well as the gameplay. Can I get like a personal review from some people about their enjoyment and stories with these games? The problem isn't the money but which game I should get first. Edit: I'm slowly leaning towards MGSV anybody want to help change that to Witcher? Edit 2: Thanks to all who helped me out on this tough choice, I have decided MGS then witcher 3.



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