I call to the aid of the gaming community to tell me which one of these games I should get. I have heard wonderful things about both, and seen reviews that give them both high scores. I love stealth gameplay as much as story and I also love a medieval fantasy genre that makes you feel like a badass warrior. There is a problem of I don't know the story of both games and think that it would be hard for me to catch up. I can afford both but I want to get one at a time. Which should I get? On a side note I played MGSGZ and I liked how visually stunning it was as well as the gameplay. Can I get like a personal review from some people about their enjoyment and stories with these games? The problem isn't the money but which game I should get first.
Edit: I'm slowly leaning towards MGSV anybody want to help change that to Witcher?
Edit 2: Thanks to all who helped me out on this tough choice, I have decided MGS then witcher 3.
由dhamm26編輯: 9/7/2015 11:39:39 PMI bought tw3 on release but never touched it because destiny was ruling my gaming life. Only 2 weeks ago did I dust it off and throw it in, and it's been an amazing experience. It is literally everything you could wish for in an rpg (minus the nasty archery from skyrim!) and it has really got me hooked. I'm just upset that I let this jewel sit idle on my shelf for months while grinding the same shit over and over in destiny. Basically... Tw3 all day lol
Quick question for people that play mgs5. Is your fob system working yet? Whenever I try to purchase waters it just freezes the screen there. Any advice?
MGS V is one the finest games I've ever played. If you enjoyed GZ then TPP will blow your mind.
Do you like running through grass fields chasing monsters or do you enjoy shitting yourself bc the giant biomechanical robot bitch is about to find you behind that rock you've been crouching behind for a few minutes
I have not played mgs5. I am almost done with Witcher 3. I personally thought Withcher 2 was better. There is barely any action in witcher 3, I spend 80 percent of my time skipping cut scenes. The cut scenes take forever when I am skipping them I can only imagine how long they take to watch.
由SoulEatinFool編輯: 9/7/2015 11:46:18 AMI say MGSV. TW3 does make you feel kind of badass, but only sometimes. It prefers to draw you out of the immersion of the world by pulling you into a restricting dialogue scene constantly, and the prinary method of storytelling is through these long winded and drawn out conversations.
7 回覆
MGS V. With it, you get a great story and great gameplay. With the witcher, you get a great story, but you have to go through the boring and tedious combat to get to it
Well it took me 3 hours to finish one mission on mgsv..you'll need a lot of time to sink into this game because the "prologue" is so annoying but once you're actually free it's fun. Witcher, you're just free right out the gate after a tutorial mission which is 10 minutes long. Combat is great if you actually learn what to do. Leveling up is a bitch but it's rewarding as all hell. Id go with Witcher but you can't really lose in this situation