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由Bob Arrows編輯: 9/13/2015 4:28:38 PM


Hi all, so here's my idea. No matter what you thought of his performance, Peter Dinklage has become a part of Destiny's legend, and I believe he deserves some sort of in-game memorial to commemorate it. Something simplistic like the easter egg with the loot cave, A statue or headstone in the tower with "Dinklebot" inscribed on it, or the option to activate an audio clip like "We've woken the Hive!" in his voice. Any suggestions are welcome, Give it a bump if you wanna help, I hope Bungie notices and takes inspiration of this idea because I have actually grown attached to Dinklebots' solemn voice and presence and I think it'd be really cool to remember the original Ghost and the adventures we had with him in our pocket. Latest Edit - Many people think that maybe the new emblem called "Little Light" is Bungie's idea of a tribute. I'm not so convinced, because Nolandroid now says and responds to those lines, so its not exactly a direct memento of sorts. Just thought I'd share my view on it since a few have mentioned it :) Edit - IDEAS :) - A Statue/ Memorial in the Tower that says "Dinklebot" - A special Ghost Shell named "Dinklebot" with special flavour text (Maybe a Y1 exclusive included with the Sparrow and Shader pack already revealed). - An audio clip on Ghosts in the tower that float around. - An NPC Ghost in the Tower called "Dinklebot" whose stuck trying to get into a locked door. - A Grimoire Card given to all year 1 players. Edit - Just like to say thanks to everybody that took the time to read the post and get on board with it, I'd like to see it stay trending long enough to be noticed :D



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