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由Dreams編輯: 9/7/2015 7:10:42 AM

What Year 2 Exotic Can't You Wait to See

Name the year 2 Exotic you can't wait to see! -Mida? -Thorn? -Hardlight? -Gally? -Etc I know there are rumors that weapons like Gally and Mida will not be getting a year 2 upgrade, but there are also rumors that they will! Anyways this post is just for ANY year 2 Exotic you really can't wait to see, even the new Jade Rabbit can be included and the other two rumored scouts. Personally I really want to see a new Design for Hardlight I know it's going to look sick! Edit: Oops forgot to mention, feel free to add any gear you want to see! Remember it's not just weapons getting upgraded. ~[i]Dreams[/i]



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