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由Lii-Shun-Ra編輯: 9/10/2015 10:58:12 AM

Enough now children

I honestly can't believe the utter bullshit I read in the feedback forums these days it's actually laughable.... grow up lol... its a -blam!-ing game if you don't wanna pay for stuff don't pay... don't like the game don't play... annoyed that your voice isn't heard ? That's because it's not... would you listen to someone if they just shouted insults at you without putting up a valid argument no you wouldn't (that doesn't include those who have put up a valid argument so don't have a bitch fit) but seriously you all need to grow up and get on with it... be grateful you even own a games console Some people don't even have a -blam!-in pot to piss in let alone a £400 lump of plastic.
#feedback #enough



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