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由Commander Moon編輯: 9/11/2015 8:09:36 AM

In Defense of Nolan North

Love it or hate it, our Little Light has a brand new voice. Personally, it's taken some getting used to, but overall I like it. Now I'd just like to point out that Nolan North is just a voice actor... [b][i]Actor[/i][/b] Meaning he receives direction. The voice he is using was more than likely one he was asked/told to use. It probably wasn't his choice. Now obviously I do not know this for sure, I don't work for Bungie therefore I do not know what happened. I also must point out that I am a huge Nolan North fan. I've gotten to meet him at a few cons and he is just incredibly nice. Obviously I will receive hate for this, which I will disregard, but if anyone wants to have a nice discussion about it, or express their opinions without being needlessly rude feel free! I thank you all for your time and wish you well! Tl;dr - Nolan is a voice actor and receives direction from others. It may not necessarily be his fault. Blame the director. Always blame the director. XD



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  • Every time something new comes to Destiny people will complain, telling them to stop or say they are stupid makes it worse. I like the new ghost voice it's actually decent, when Destiny released people complained how lifeless the ghost voice was. Bungie changes the voice and now look at all these ungrateful -blam turds-



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