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9/16/2015 3:59:54 PM

Amazing Destiny Theory (not really)

Okay so I have been seeing a lot rumours that the queen dies in ttk, and I have worked out how. [spoiler][/spoiler] The queen stood on her battleship, staring out into the vast expanse of the universe. In the distance she could see planets; Venus, Mars, Earth and- what was that? It looked like some sort of... Fallen ship? Impossible. Suddenly, the ship sped forward and The Queen could see clearly who was the pilot. A message came up on her dashboard (is that what they call those things?) "Dismantle mines, yessss, or... Die." The Queen gasped as Variks launched seven large missiles at her ship. She didn't do much else as she was too busy exploding. After that, Variks heroically returned to the reef to share the sad news that The Queen had been destroyed by a Fallen warship and that he had been too late to save her, however, in her final moments, she had named him her successor. Somehow everyone in the reef actually bought this and Variks was named the Kell of the Reef. Then he blew the Reef up too and married Oryx. (Okay I'm so sorry to anyone who just read that, kindly refrain from correcting my terrible grammar/trivia mistakes because I don't really care)



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