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由MortVin編輯: 9/28/2015 10:30:19 PM

CODE WAR : The Weasel strikes back... on xbox one

Since Taken King was released, those error codes kept disrupting my game: weasel, mole, vulture and sometimes anteater. I use a wired connection for xbox one on a open NAT setting, we looked at bungie's network troubleshooting, read the pages from A to Z and made those changes required, which didn't solve the problem, even made it worse. So please bungie do not reply with this page link, I've seen it and read it countless times. Those errrors, since the release of Taken King kept showing up every 5 to 10 minutes sometimes 20 minutes, which made my game very long to play or very difficult to complete one mission. Though after 6 days on sunday those error codes stopped disturbing the game. For about a week I could fully enjoy with my clan the whole game, untill this last thursday. Those error codes are striking back and hitting hard. Now about every 2 or 5 minutes, can't even start one mission... though sometimes happens only every 10 to 20 minutes. How come ? after experiencing the game on a great server without any errors for about a week. My internet connection is fast, and I don't experience any other problem on internet or any other multiplayer games. I guess you are aware of the issue but from my own perspective it seems that you are putting more efforts into PS4 servers and are neglecting xbox one servers. However, I tend to believe that your are working on the issue for xbox one. I really hope so, this is fantastic when it works well. I congratulate you for the release of TTK, that makes Destiny even more interesting to play. I just wish I could keep up with my clan as it is affecting my progress, and I know that I am not the only one experiencing this issue on xbox one server. Some of my friends get regular strikes of error codes and they do have a good connection too. May the server be with us...... instead of pushing us away. In hope to see some changes soon. I wish you all good luck, Bungie, in fixing your severs. All the best !



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  • Constant Weasel's almost since TTK dropped. Bungie plz fix



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  • Third try to get to that tower. after selecting took a while, floating in orbit, to receive this time a prune ! Is this your fine bungie ? after being forced to be parked in orbit for too long ? getting a lot of non short party stabilisation also!



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    • 由MortVin編輯: 9/28/2015 10:22:17 PM
      it's been a while, I've been trying to get to the tower this evening without any success ! What's hapening with the docking bay bungie ? Too many weasels to push back around the tower ? Are they coming up with weapons ! I'd lend you my nightstalker's trap to cage them in the oblivion of void ! But... Your security logging systems at the bay aren't functioning and you are taking me for the enemy by sending me some less regular error codes to the face. Those are in order, newt , telling me couldn't find matchmaking, followed by vulture telling my profile wasn't signed in or someone else signed it in on another device or so. Im using xbox one only. 360 is sitting unplugged. so I dont see how I would be signed elsewhere. Tried again to reach tower afterward but you sent me another haching weasel !



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    • Anteater is hitting me hard right now! I keep getting sent ti orbit and forced to restart o. Last rites...its getting annoying



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      • Same. Today has been especially bad. I would get weaseled every 10 mins.



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