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原先發佈於:Collective Of Knowledge
由The Real Obama編輯: 9/27/2015 1:18:01 PM

My Theory on the nine!

The Nine are a faction or race that live in the outer planets, probably Jupiter, and Saturn. The pyramid shaped ships we seen in the concept arts, this is them. They probably live in these ships. Orbiting the gas giants and possibly inhabiting the moons of these planets. The Nine and the awoken of the reef kinda have a thing. Weather or not they are allies.. I'm not sure. But in the lore, Uldren sent one of his mechanical crows to spy on them. The nine found out and as an apology gift the Queen sent the body of a HoW nobility (Not dead but stripped of its soul. The prison of elders is like a trophy room with body's with detached souls). Now about xûr, he's openly stated he is part of the nine. And he's being sent the perhaps as an emissary similar to the queens. Xûr is represented of what the the nine are like. Under his hood it looks like he has a shadowy head, like gas maybe. Or it may just be artificial to hide his identity. But that is what the nine are like. Then they are either) . A race that choose to embrace the darkness, ( similar to the hive which alters their appearance) .They are a completely different race that sought out the universe. Finally this brings us to there name, The Nine. What exactly does it mean? There are 8 planets in our solar system the 9th is not even a planet but a dwarf planet, Pluto. It's possibly the nine have originated from Pluto? So what are your ideas about the nine?
#lore #nine #Cok



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  • ¡Hola Cozmic!



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  • Really I thought they were all the races plus two we don't know 1:the nine are survivors of the cis-Jovian colonies who made a compact with a alien force to ensure their own survival.(the hive allying with the worms.) 2: the nine are deep orbit warminds who weathered the collapse in hardened stealth platforms.(the exos.) 3: the nine are a ancient leviathan intelligence from the seas of Europia or the hydrocarbon pits of Titan.(vex.) 4: the nine arrived in a mysterious transmission from the direction of the Corona Borealis star cluster(maybe cabal.) 5: the nine are the first born awoken and their minds now race down the field lines of the Jupiter-lo flux tube.(awoken.) 6: the nine are ghost who pierced into deep black without a ship and meditated on the hissing silence of the heliopause.(unknown maybe dark guardians.) 7: the nine are the aspects of darkness broken by the traveler's rebuke, working to destroy us from within.(the fallen.) 8: the nine is a viral language of pure meaning.(unknown.) 9: the nine are shadows left by the annihilation of a transcendent shape, burned into what was. (Humans maybe.)



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    • 由Dunes編輯: 9/29/2015 6:24:17 PM
      I didn't know where to put this, so I'm going to put it here. I can't imagine I'm the first person to think of this, but who knows. The Worms/Wyrms/Dragons/Ahamkara are the Nine. And we have names for some of them, vague descriptions for others. I'm basing this on the chests in the Dreadnought. There are 10 chests. Leaving out the "A Scent Is the Key" chest, we end up with: Ur, Xol, Eir, Akka, Yul, Maggots, Spawn, Wyrding, Gnashing Teeth "A Scent is the Key" is the only one that just sounds like pure mechanic. The others are vaguely descriptive or outright use a name. If Xur is truly one of the Nine, perhaps he is one of the vague descriptions - the Spawn, or Maggots. Possibly a stretch, possibly coincidence. I thought it might be worth bringing up.



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      • 由guardian dude編輯: 10/4/2015 6:31:25 AM
        probably a human colony or possible guardians lost to the darkness similar to the taken, i like the think of the concept as The Lost. Image Dark Guardians similar to the players!



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        • Bump



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          • I believe the nine and the awokens relationship was one of mutual understanding, rather than ally or enemy.



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          • 由jakesoul222編輯: 9/27/2015 1:50:59 PM
            Council represented by each race with a soul?? Human Exo Awoken Hive Fallen Cabal Vex New bad guy Another new bad guy If humans are destroyed, the balance is lost. The nine want balance, so help the guardians push back the other forces. It feels more like a pantheon than a race.



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            • The nine are the illuminati



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