This video is by [url=]Rifle Gaming.[/url]
[u]As [b]Cayde[/b] says in the mission when you scan the door.[/u]
[quote]Don't worry, the good stuff is [b][u]BELOW YOU[/u][/b], keep moving.[/quote]
You all have been very patient, i think the community may have missed this. Rifle has a really good point here about the pocket infinity and how you will use it on the relics. The relics also don't appear in any other mission besides the Promethean Code mission. So the tinfoil is very very intense at this point.
Glitched in to find a secret room.
Anyway watch the video, consider what is possible or not. Thank you guardians
[b][u]Brokenspade[/u][/b] says
[quote]If you are in front of the door. And someone joins from orbit. It will drop them into the room.
You can then orbit and join on them. I've had a full fire team in there that way.[/quote]
Some are telling me that the exclusivity of PI wouldn't make sense. You are completely right.
I do however think that it is a clue to obtaining those legendary DVALIN fusion rifles.
Maybe when you earn all of them there will be a door to open somewhere on patrol?
Try collecting 2 on each planet see what happens.
search areas where said warminds reside (Mars, venus, moon) see what you can find.
EDIT: Thank you for making this trending! Now that a majority of the community can see. Some brainstorming can be less of a painful process. Stay awesome Guardians.
Maybe in that room you need a fully upgraded sleeper simulant, because when upgraded each shot can ricochet twice, and there are three pillars in the room, aimed just right you may be able to charge each pillar with one shot, and the pocket infinity and the sleeper simulant are both fusion rifles, but the sleeper simulant is more powerful.
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[quote]This video is by [url=]Rifle Gaming.[/url] [u]As [b]Cayde[/b] says in the mission when you scan the door.[/u] [quote]Don't worry, the good stuff is [b][u]BELOW YOU[/u][/b], keep moving.[/quote] You all have been very patient, i think the community may have missed this. Rifle has a really good point here about the pocket infinity and how you will use it on the relics. The relics also don't appear in any other mission besides the Promethean Code mission. So the tinfoil is very very intense at this point. Glitched in to find a secret room. Anyway watch the video, consider what is possible or not. Thank you guardians [b][u]Brokenspade[/u][/b] says [quote]If you are in front of the door. And someone joins from orbit. It will drop them into the room. You can then orbit and join on them. I've had a full fire team in there that way.[/quote] Some are telling me that the exclusivity of PI wouldn't make sense. You are completely right. I do however think that it is a clue to obtaining those legendary DVALIN fusion rifles. Maybe when you earn all of them there will be a door to open somewhere on patrol? Try collecting 2 on each planet see what happens. search areas where said warminds reside (Mars, venus, moon) see what you can find. EDIT: Thank you for making this trending! Now that a majority of the community can see. Some brainstorming can be less of a painful process. Stay awesome Guardians.[/quote] Use sleeper, line up pads ricochett lazer round room Just a thought
Its off the old story. Where rasputin made himself into a exo. And the main story was supposed be about us gaurdians going onto the drednaught to rescue rasputins exo. Thats all
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I can't imagine that you need a specific gun to shoot at objects. Possess in your inventory, maybe. Have it so you get a hint out of grimoire? Sure. But need it to shoot at a switch to activate? From a programming point of view I would think that to be a nightmare trying to code (I'm a programmer by trade). No, I think at most there is a hint in the grimoire possibly that's being overlooked, likely grimoire from year 2 content as I doubt they would have had the foresight to drop clues about a year 2 gun in the year 1 cards.
由RelaxingPath254編輯: 10/5/2015 10:37:15 PMbeen in that room under the terminal it happened randomly during a heroic version of the promethean code where ikora sent me to kill a taken centurion for a quest, you scan the computer and cayde says his usual s**t then the platform starts to descend cayde says "wait, where are you going?", down in the room there is a large door that opens and the centurion walks out, the room on the other side of the door has some computer terminals in the centre of the room but you cannot interact with them. got a feeling this was part of an exotic quest because the symbol was yellow with a sword which usually indicates an exotic quest. edit: as it turns out this was for the touch of malice quest
Ok I was doing a strike and found a artifact that has a code name, parent, and status. Looks important it's a intact warmind core
All these people who listen to this shit when there is a huge sub-reddit that is moderated and controlled with 10x more accurate information. Go read that - not forum shit.
由seantothehurst編輯: 10/5/2015 11:50:10 PMSo here is my two cents , I am hearing a lot of correlation in the dialog, about test weapons . Cayde first mentioned that the cards suit corresponded to weapons brand ie olomon hakke ect.. Now in promithian code you are basically next to the weapons test lab as cayde mentioned and sabber is in the test lab. I am unsure how these correlate but that's my first notice of clues.
My honest opinion is that Pocket Infinity is a red herring. Without substantial evidence of a link (no, visual similarities are [i]not[/i] substantial), then we have no reason to believe that Pocket Infinity has any role to play. Don't bother bringing up Jolly Holliday as that is unrelated due to: A) requiring a gun that is readily available and B) merely required that you possess said gun. I say that we need to scrutinize every Rasputin mission that appears as a daily with a fine tooth comb. For instance, as of this post, The Buried City mission is the daily and that is one of the Rasputin story missions. I also recommend examining every Rasputin Strike. I would also like to point out that the entrance to Bunker RAS-4 from RAS-2 is now partially open in the Siege of the Warmind mission.
Im not sure why people think a weapon is required to do a quest. I dont think bungie would make weapons mandatory to complete or start a quest line (via dismantling etc). They may use a generalized set of items like the class specific quests, but to require PI to even start it seems unlikely. My guess is that to find something it may work but not required once people know how to trigger it.
You have to get a banshee to follow you in, shoot off the wings and....Wait! WAIT! Nevermind. Wrong game...
Plot twist: They're going to redo The Will of Crota strike, make it a Nightfall with Taken, and the secret room there starts the SS quest. Troll complete. Bungie out.
I found a breakable vent in the Saber strike. Not the one that leads to the ghost. I found it in the final room where you fight the boss. It is in the pit full of electricity. If you pull your ghost out you can see it and break it. Couldn't manage to see if there was a hole after breaking bc I would die when trying to look. Anyone else find this or have any ideas? Edit* Jakew took video of the area I was talking about. His video is below. Thanks Jakew.
You guys really think they're going to make us use a Year 1 weapon to obtain a Year 2 weapon? They won't. They want us to forget about Y1 guns, especially PI, which is utterly garbage.
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