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由Packis編輯: 10/5/2015 10:10:17 PM

Secret room/ Pillars in promothean code. Under Rasputin. Sleeper Simulant clues. And pocket infinity's role in the mission.

This video is by [url=]Rifle Gaming.[/url] [u]As [b]Cayde[/b] says in the mission when you scan the door.[/u] [quote]Don't worry, the good stuff is [b][u]BELOW YOU[/u][/b], keep moving.[/quote] You all have been very patient, i think the community may have missed this. Rifle has a really good point here about the pocket infinity and how you will use it on the relics. The relics also don't appear in any other mission besides the Promethean Code mission. So the tinfoil is very very intense at this point. Glitched in to find a secret room. Anyway watch the video, consider what is possible or not. Thank you guardians [b][u]Brokenspade[/u][/b] says [quote]If you are in front of the door. And someone joins from orbit. It will drop them into the room. You can then orbit and join on them. I've had a full fire team in there that way.[/quote] Some are telling me that the exclusivity of PI wouldn't make sense. You are completely right. I do however think that it is a clue to obtaining those legendary DVALIN fusion rifles. Maybe when you earn all of them there will be a door to open somewhere on patrol? Try collecting 2 on each planet see what happens. search areas where said warminds reside (Mars, venus, moon) see what you can find. EDIT: Thank you for making this trending! Now that a majority of the community can see. Some brainstorming can be less of a painful process. Stay awesome Guardians.



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