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10/6/2015 1:44:48 AM

Microtransactions; A sign that Bungie is not meeting their profit goals with Activision?

The Marty O'Donnell suit revealed the agreement that Bungie and Activision have in place as far as reaching certain milestones in regards to profits coming from Destiny. Bungie was given (loaned) $500 million, and keep in mind that Activision will want their money back with profit sharing to boot. Now I don't claim to be a professional in regards to economics, or have any legal experience in relation to contractual agreements. But, I read that agreement and I basically understand that Activision controls that profit sharing agreement, and they will award bonuses to Bungie as they reach certain milestones with the profits on Destiny. Now I don't want to start down the dark road that was Infinity Ward, because they got totally screwed out of basically the same deal that is in place for Bungie; and that resulted in Infinity Ward basically being a shell now of what it once was, but I pose the question: Are Microtransactions Bungie's last ditch effort to meet those profit milestones? Have the number of new players peaked? Are they just milking the dedicated player base that in in force now?



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