People have already donated money to receive special emblems, so people paying for visual items isn't new in this game...but nobody was butthurt before because it was labeled as 'charity'? The premise of giving money for items is the exact same.
Not exactly. Most people who donated (i hope) were to actually donate towards a good cause and to help people. That money didnt go into Bungie's pocket (or so i hope) so therefore wasnt made as a profit scheme. I still wouldve donated had i gotten nothing in return. Now there are other people who just donated to get the emblems and shaders and whatnot, those people i would agree is the same premise on the emotes and such with the new Eververse or whatever its called. Me personally, I dont agree with micro transactions in a game, especially a AAA title such as Destiny. Granted, for the moment, Bungie claims this will only be cosmetic. I just hope they dont end up making the game a true P2W game, which would ruin the ratings for this title.
My opinion. I will not partake in the purchasing of silver, however i will take advantage of the free silver Bungie graciously will provide to all players.