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原先發佈於:Kisses and Hugs
由Langstonator編輯: 10/13/2015 8:11:39 PM

New Emotes - Togetherness or Identity

Yes, Let's Stick Together


Yes, Our Shared Emote Unites Us As A Clan and Makes Us Unique


No, I'd Rather Just Do My Own Thing. No Offense. (None Taken)


No, I Reject Conformity and Frankly, Langston, I'm Upset You Would Even Suggest


I Just Want New Exotic Gear For My Hunter


Same Here, Only For My Titan Instead


Hello all. Today marks the start of the first Iron Banner since The Taken King has launched and, with it, Everese Trading Company. Each of us guardians has been promised a small amount of starting [i]silver[/i], a new game currency acquired through real world purchase, which we can use in game to buy emotes. This provides us an opportunity. So I am asking you: Would you rather us make individual purchases and decide on our own how to spend this free staring silver, or would you like better if we coordinate and buy the same emote as sort of a clan cheer. The decision is yours so let your voice be heard! please and thank you for your votes XOXO



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  • Addendum: All Guardians now have 400 silver. Standard emotes cost 200 silver each so that means we can buy two. Keep that in mind when voting. We could make sure everyone in the clan has the decided emote and then spend the remaining silver on whichever you like. Ok go vote



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