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由theraputicGreen編輯: 10/16/2015 1:33:11 PM

Destiny is better than Halo amd Fallout 4

Just sayin' bruh. Destiny is by far the better game. Let me take it a step further and say its better than the fallout franchise [spoiler]fight me[/spoiler] [spoiler]EDIT: I'm very glad to be doing this, keep feeding me the salt [/spoiler] [spoiler]EDIT 2: this is not serious at all. Please don't get too butthurt[/spoiler] EDIT 3: Wow over 100 replies. Look mom, I'm internet famous! Please remember that this is from a dare. I don't think Destiny is better than Halo. Well maybe halo 4 but that's a different story.



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