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由SneakyToaster17編輯: 10/7/2014 3:10:51 PM

My Super-Cool idea for slightly improving the Bad Juju (making it useful in PVP, and not just PVE)

Okay, I know that the Bad Juju is supposed to have a small clip to balance out the eventual ability to reload automatically after each kill. I have since achieved this ability with the Bad Juju, but I am still finding that 15 bullets (5 burst shots) is only practical for getting PvE kills, and consistently leaves me THIS close to killing my opponents in The Crucible nearly every time. So, I would like to propose a slight buff that would not just make the gun more viable, but also make it really, really cool: increase the clip size to 18, but have the ammo reader on the gun display the ammo count as "666" (6+6+6=18, get it?). It could countdown in a number of unorthodox (exotic?) ways. Ideally, I think the ammo counter should only change to "666" once the upgrade "String of Curses" is activated. Furthermore, I also think the glowing green stuff on the end of the gun should only appear once said upgrade is activated as well. That way, the glowing green stuff becomes an indicator to the owner that his gun is possessed by some dark magic Toland the Shattered had been delving into, AND the green glowy stuff also serves as a subtle warning to the owner's opponents that their gun doesn't always need to reload. I really think that giving you just one more shot with the Bad Juju would make a world of difference when trying to use this gun in The Crucible, while also still requiring its user to be as accurate as possible when using it. And, I really think it would be cool to have the ammo counter read "666," not just because it would make use of all three digits on the counter, but also because the vague nod to the devil/dark arts would be a REALLY neat way to further tie this gun into Toland the Shattered's lore. I mean, it would be like Toland the Shattered somehow actually got his gun possessed by some dark force! I'm sure this would offend someone, but clearly they are the type of person to take fiction too seriously. Please let me know what you think! -SneakyToaster17



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