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10/17/2015 4:29:24 AM

How about the King's Fall raid gets a much needed rework?

Many of us have already done the raid. We've been there, we've beaten Oryx, kicked him back to the curb where he bit it, giving us the perfect chance to smash his head. Hell, I've done it five times now I believe, four on my main, once on my alt. So can someone in Bungie please explain to me why after my latest attempt at running the raid, my entire collection of gear amounted to a pair of 303 gauntlets for my titan, and for my alt Warlock a pair of 304 boots and a 300 pulse rifle? Honestly, someone tell me how this is a good idea. Now that I've learned the raid and my group is quite skilled at it, its become a breeze, Oryx himself is quite mundane truth be told. Hell, were it not for the light levels, there'd be no point to raiding at all seeing as the gear is largely garbage? The ones you can buy from Shaxx or the Vanguard stand miles above what I'm able to raid, for the most part, the gear is nice if only for the rolls that let me infuse, that is ultimately if I'm able to actually get something[b] after doing the raid after an hour and a half of playing![/b] With the VoG, at least the gear brought you up to 30, guns were cool and one even had elemental on it, not to mention the exotic drop from Atheon was a good reason to reattempt it every week on 3 characters. Crota had a slew of interesting gear and drops that enhanced the experience of the raid, actually giving some benefit to doing it each week seeing as every successful drop made it that much easier in the hard mode. Here, I have no reason to be happy when something does drop as if its a weapon, its no doubt going to be no better than the guns I've picked and chosen for my character, or is going to be infusion fodder for my alt seeing as getting something higher than what I already have is beyond rare. I understand the hardmode is coming out next week but that is no excuse seeing as that just means that the gear we players work for was meant to be cannon fodder for what ultimately may be just as bad as what we're going to get in a second round of shit shoveling that will only be harder and longer for no real benefit. There is something seriously wrong with destiny when my team takes bets on who will actually gets an actual piece of gear outside of moldering shards, despite the fact that we all have 20 on our characters, after we've beaten Oryx



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  • 由Hexxy編輯: 10/17/2015 4:55:05 AM
    I seem to recall the exact same drop rates for gear from VoG and Crota. In all honesty, it drops more frequently now than it did then. Perhaps it is the light levels throwing you off? Don't get me wrong, the primaries pale in comparison to the weapons you get from PVP vendors, but prior to year two you only got primaries from hard mode. I think hard mode primaries in year two will shine. VoG and Crota got boring. Fast. I got lucky and got full armor sets in 2-3 runs. There really wasn't any reason to raid after that. My favorite primaries were exotics. Hawkmoon, to be specific. Now, I can get a full set, but have a chance to get better light. It makes raiding more worthwhile. My warlock has most the weapons and full armor. However, when my PSN friends ask if I want to raid, I say "heck yes!", because I can still get better light. It gives the raid longer life and more playability. No offense, but if you want quick gearing and weapons that don't become obsolete (and you feel entitled with no patience), there are games like Halo and Battlefield.



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    1 回覆
    • 由Kovathos編輯: 10/17/2015 7:36:15 AM
      Meh. Raiding doesn't even interest me.I did normal vog, tried to gear up, got excited for hard. Did hard mode, tried to get better gear, rinse repeat. Crota comes along, and now you need it's gear to reach the new light level. Same cycle with vog, geared up, hard mode releases, played that maybe a couple of times and then finally gave up on the raids for 2 reasons. Prison of elders was more or less exact same thing. Wouldnt you know it taken king comes out and I didn't much miss out on not doing prison of elders. Raiding is pointless if new content, that isn't a raid, can be completed without it. Unless you want the weapons or armour specifically for pvp I guess.



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    • 由Captain Teabags編輯: 10/17/2015 7:15:01 AM
      Lol you have bad luck but i do agree it has crap drop rates



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    • Next week it will all be trash anyways. I won't even bother anymore.



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