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由Jcaf8編輯: 11/11/2016 4:49:51 PM

Misunderstanding of Grimoire, lore busters 1

This is the first of many busting common misconceptions in the grimoire [u]Rasputin Attacked the Traveler to cripple It/Her[/u] This is [b]False[/b]. Rasputin cards debunk this, long version After reading most of the lore you can tell that rasputin for would have time to even shoot the traveler much less want to:he was built to defend us and to get protect our important property, whether it's a base on mars or a big white entity of the void that gifts us with life. Rasputin sent his nukes to the ships fleeing, not the traveler. The second he deactivated all counter measures and protection of the population he destroyed ships that were fleeing earth(Card awoken, it made awoken), and this large exhaust of light most likely stopped the darkness from coming and saved us. He went to sleep and didn't want to be reactivated until the traveler awoke(If you read the end of mysteries 2 there's some thing that is a machine waiting for the two great scales to be balanced.) as you can see in the promethean code scannable objects. If you look at mysteries 1 he "sighs his shoulder" and the traveler did not, meaning that he sacrificed most of humanity to save some of it, but the traveler loved us too much to do that, only a warmind would be rational enough to do what it takes to win. His main objective was to Complete the midnight EXIGENT. He got half of it done but we need to destroy the darkness now. Short version? traveler 2. solid evidence to the debunking without needing explanation from me. "This has been such a long chase. But this is where you fight. Fight and win" it also mentions that the traveler may be getting pushed, hinting this very topic. I believe BUNGIE makes us want want to be confused about this. But that's definitely up to speculation. The traveler left the fallen but it seems like at that point the darkness is directly chasing it and not oryx, to clarify oryx had been chasing the traveler and destroying all the races that had light. It seems the traveler at one point wasn't being chased by oryx anymore, but a embodiment of the darkness like the travelers form. I conclude this since the fallen never fought the hive as we know of, and had their own collapse that sent them on a conquest toward our system. It is possible oryx killed any fallen that stayed, but we have no flavor texts of that, and if there were to be a house that was killed it would be the house of stone, who were destroyed during the whirlwind and would explain why the Kells name is on the scout rifle of kings fall. The only direct fighting of hive vs.fallen is the moon, and later when they started to invade earth, but it looks like they were only trying to gain land from each other and not actual enemies who wanted to fight each other, just were in the way of each other for the traveler(fallen to reclaim, hive to devour) New stuff incoming, when I have a bit more time.
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