Death March:
A penal unit under direct Command of Inquisitor Larken. Field Ops are lead by the now Commander Karpus. But that position only goes as far as that. The men of the Death march look toward Leo, a Sargent from a Agriwolrd that was sentenced to the Penal unit after killing a Commissar about to execute a soldier under his command that was shot in the chest.
With their new leader though this already formidable fighting force has come into control of the Thor1 combat system. While just starting Field testing the system is predicted to be a brutal game changer to the special fighting forces.
Thor1 Battle System
[url=]Thor 1 battle armor[/url]
[url=]Thor 1 autogun[/url]
This Modular weapon system is designed for the Infintry/Commando battle armor specs. Firing a .308 solid rifle round with customize-able head it also supports a variety of combat sights/scopes, Combat interface into the thor 1 armor system, and an interchangeable under barrel attachment that will either shoot a shotgun based round or a small explosive rounds.
[url=]Thor 1 flamers[/url]
Available to the Heavy weapons Variant of the Thor 1 arch Type, this is a flamethrower... and what it predecessors excelled at, this excelled. The pressurized canisters of Promethium located on the bottom of the flamer is allowed to breath allowing a secondary firing mode, a jet of lit gases shoot from a slit in the side of the device allowing the flamer even more options in CQB where its length can be problematic. The side handle also functions as a dispersal control alowing the main firing head to fire the traditional jet to the new option of a superheated aimed flame similar to a torch for cutting metal. Again features a interface with Thor 1 armor.
[url=]Thor1 LMG[/url]
Lovingly Nicknamed the Reaper By its designers, This 50 Cal. is made for anti personal- anti vehicular combat. Compatible with the Heavy Weapons Variant this barreled beast makes a statement.
[url=]Thor1 Plasma rifle[/url]
Currently available to only the Heavy Armor Variant this weapon Fires a superheated core of plasma from a self replicating battery charge. however as useful as this weapon is in combat, timing shots is important as overuse will degrade the weapon barrel and cause permanent damage to the battery.