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10/25/2015 7:46:16 AM

I think the new raid and its modes are making people be mean for no reason.

i really think this new raid and its mode it making people loose interest in playing destiny. It was all for fun till the new updates and raid modes. Especially since some individuals are delibrately being A**holes. The raid just came out and not less than 24 hours some people who "deem" theirselves "ELITES" are requesting stupendous light levels before they will play with other individuals. They are forgetting they were also low light levels and some high levels had to carry or practiaclly drag their A** thru the raid. [b]This was my reply to a recent post on LFG... Some dude whose light ws barely 309 asking for a group of only 310s to play with and also asking for a certain grimore score level and some specific weaps[/b] ...[quote] [i]"you are 309 and you are looking for a 310+ group only... sorry but you are too low and ill experienced to run with us. all 310s. next time make your posts more lenient and you might just get a group tp play with. cheers and good luck brother! peace"[/i][/quote] .... But come on guys. we all here to have fun and explore the raid and loot its spoils. Why be mean to other for no reason. I dont mind taking low levels and allowing them to gain experience and also get better gear to level up their light. remember we have all been there. just chill out and have some fun. yes it does matter if you have a certain light level and some particluar weaps but with any other recommended light and descent weaps can still do the job. I think most of yall should just chill. after all its just for fun...



以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • Elitism all over again. The gjallarhorn nerf solved nothing.



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    • Honestly I wouldn't even do the raid past the daughters. I rather get my light lvl up to or past 310 before giving it a shot. I did it with my toon being 306 at the beginning and it takes a little bit more effort. For me it's more about experience than light lvl.



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    • I think its more of the hypocrisy of him not meeting his own raid requirements that is ridiculous.



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    • It's been two days since the release and there's already the 310+ light requirement... Gtfo



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    • Normal Golgoroth Looking for 1 303 Hunter Be experienced 300+ MSG Jakkeryy



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    • Spot on. What's funny is if you'd have posted this whilst only being around 290 light you'd have been called all the usual names! We all need to help each other.



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    • The destiny community, is one of the worst ones ever being created. What did you expect?



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    • I don't even understand the 310+ reqirements, lol. I died much less at 308 light than my friend who was 314. Honestly light at those tiny changes doesn't even matter.



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      • Those are the same people who die millions of times cant kill there orge or knight.. I deal with it all the time.. People need to be like me and willing to help before hard mode i would run raid 6-9x a week helping people i wasnt getting anything out of it..



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        • I agree people need to chill i have done this raid with people in the 280 light range and we were still able to complete it with no problem. Almost everyone on this app needs to chill.



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        • Thank. You.



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        • That's why I refuse to LFG. I'll only play with people I already know. It wasn't a raid, but I did a heroic strike with two people who were 300, while I was only a 291... They died so many effing times I lost count. Several times their deaths were stupid and avoidable and left me to twist in the wind. I died ONCE at the final boss part (it was one of the flayers; got pounded by a super thing and a phalanx all at once while making a desperately needed ammo run), and I had to wait to res myself. They could have easily revived me. Then I get a smartass message after we were finished that I needed to get back in the kitchen and leave the gaming to the men because I couldn't play for shit. Um. What? First of all, don't assume my gender. That's not cool (they were right, but still. Lol). Second of all, I'm not the greatest player, but I sure as hell am not dead weight (except for Crucible half the time... Which is why I hardly play). People need to chill.



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          • Yeh I agree with all comments . Unfortunately destiny is full of plums and rage players best thing to do is try and find a clan that just wants to play the game and have a laugh why helping each other get better gear and beat everything . Anyone who wants that is free to have a look at us and ask to join if you like



            以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

          • [quote]i really think this new raid and its mode it making people loose interest in playing destiny. It was all for fun till the new updates and raid modes. Especially since some individuals are delibrately being A**holes. The raid just came out and not less than 24 hours some people who "deem" theirselves "ELITES" are requesting stupendous light levels before they will play with other individuals. They are forgetting they were also low light levels and some high levels had to carry or practiaclly drag their A** thru the raid. [b]This was my reply to a recent post on LFG... Some dude whose light ws barely 309 asking for a group of only 310s to play with and also asking for a certain grimore score level and some specific weaps[/b] ...[quote] [i]"you are 309 and you are looking for a 310+ group only... sorry but you are too low and ill experienced to run with us. all 310s. next time make your posts more lenient and you might just get a group tp play with. cheers and good luck brother! peace"[/i][/quote] .... But come on guys. we all here to have fun and explore the raid and loot its spoils. Why be mean to other for no reason. I dont mind taking low levels and allowing them to gain experience and also get better gear to level up their light. remember we have all been there. just chill out and have some fun. yes it does matter if you have a certain light level and some particluar weaps but with any other recommended light and descent weaps can still do the job. I think most of yall should just chill. after all its just for fun...[/quote]



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