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10/29/2015 12:24:34 AM

Anyone ever had a friend that treats Destiny like a religion?

So ever since TDB I had a guy I routinely played with, and it was great. We'd play Strikes, Quests, PvP, Trials, Raids, the lot. During the down-periods I'd go onto my PC because Destiny got boring, but he'd still plug away, often being a bit snarky at how I liked to play with others on my PC. This was a few days after TTK had launched. We were both pumped as for the new content, and had already blasted through most of the story on our mains. One weekend I didn't feel like playing Destiny all that much so I hopped onto Steam to play something else, and saw a game I wanted (Besieged) was on sale, so of course I bought it. Played it for an hour or two, it was great. Then decided to hop onto my PS4 and get my daily dose of Destiny. Was invited to a party by my friend, the normal stuff. Then it all went downhill. "Where were you? We were supposed to be starting like 2 hours ago" He said. I told him I was just on my PC, playing this cool new game I'd bought, no big. BOY I WAS WRONG. "WHAT?" he yelled, "YOU BOUGHT A NEW GAME? TTK JUST CAME OUT? ARE YOU GIVING UP ON DESTINY?" I was like, Woah, dude, settle the -blam!- down, It's not even a proper game, it's like a sandbox. "YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO BUY OTHER GAMES! YOU PLAY DESTINY, WHY WOULD YOU GO BUY ANOTHER GAME JUST AS TTK CAME OUT? HOW DO YOU EVEN PLAY TWO GAMES AT THE SAME TIME?" (I was playing Destiny and like a dozen other PC games at the same time so lol) At this point I was ready to just turn off the PS4, but that would've added fuel to the fire. So I just nodded and went " Mhm" until he calmed down. A few weeks ago I was playing Murder on Garry's Mod with 5 other friends, having a blast, and he messages me saying "Thought we were playing tonight?" I did say we would, but I was occupied, so I told him I'd be on in an hour and we'd have plenty of time to do what we needed to. So around an hour later I go to turn off my PC and hop onto Destiny when my iPod explodes with Facebook messages from my Desticle friend. Every message is a picture of his characters with some form of King's Fall gear and a spiteful comment like "Oooh this is nice" or "Wish you were there!" So of course I have a huge argument with him and end up just cutting all ties with him. TL;DR - Desticles are dumb.



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