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由EarthMineral編輯: 9/23/2014 5:10:29 AM

I probably hate you.

Take a quick scroll through the forums and you'll see endless titles of "Nerf this". "Nerf that", "0mg y dont pplZ play Lyke I do?", "where is my l00t!?" "I hate Bungie!" Seriously if I had any kind of writing skills, I would write a two page essay on how much gamers are becoming pussies and deserve our stereotype of being social outcasts. If you play this game more than you sleep, you lost the fight. Just play the damn game and have fun and stop crying when you die in the crucible (Get Gud) or if you don't get shit from engrams. (It's all random) you're not special and you're adopted. End rant. Make fun of my typing skills



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