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9/27/2015 5:59:54 AM

Sealing the Blade Quest Step 5 Error

I have completed this quest a few times now. After killing Adbeg and Alak-Hul with in 30 seconds of each other the quest only gives me credit for killing Adbeg. I have deleted the quest, logged out and back in again., I have even gone back in and only killed Alak-Hul, I have killed Adbeg first then Alak-Hul and then vice versa. All with playing the full strike over again. Its been a time consuming process. I believe this started when Alak-Hul killed me on his last rotation and my fire team killed him while my ghost was sitting there, they got me back up and I finished off Adbeg. This has been incredibly frustrating. Bungie please help. I would like my exotic sword. Thank you in advance.



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