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由Derobe7777編輯: 11/15/2015 6:40:17 PM

Paris Attacks and Destiny Support

I had a thought of the Destiny and its community's support for the victims of the Paris Terrorist attacks. I know Bungie has raise money in the past for those in need and that is very honorable. What if someone at Bungie donated their time to create a shader or something else unrelated to ranking up your character and sold it through Tess Everis for something like $1. Maybe a shader or sparrow reflecting the colors of France. I would also hope Bungie could be sure that the money is going to a reputable charity for surviving victims or their families. As a Dad's of Destiny clan member (meaning that I am a Dad) I couldn't imagine how devastating it would be to lose my innocent child in an act like this or if a child lost their parent in an act like this. I am not an eloquent writer, and I don't want to get into politics, but I know there are many innocent victims that need to know they have support. I'm not sure the best way that that comes across, and is not always with Money, but as an American citizen I can't stand seeing innocent people die and everyone else left heartbroken, depressed and/or injured for the rest of their lives. I think any act of thoughtfulness from people they don't know will hopefully help their scars be a little less than what they could become.



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  • Paris is not a third world country that needs outside help. It wasn't an earthquake that leveled the city and would have needed humanitarian help. There are plenty of non-profit organizations out there that can use your donation. Go give it directly. Why do you need Bungie to do it for you?



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  • 由RedFaceGeneral 編輯: 11/15/2015 1:53:06 PM
    Did you know Lebanon was also attacked by terrorist? This shows how -blam!- up the media is.



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    • Shut up about Paris in the Destiny forum. I'm not being apathetic. It sucks for Paris. I realize that. But having a bunch of 12 year olds (the destiny forums) suddenly think they have a degree in Global Affairs and Terrorism is getting absurd. //rant start Bungie isn't going to make a shader for Paris. How stupid are you? France is one of the top 5 most developed countries in the world with access to nuclear weaponry. They're one of the most economically stable countries right now so they don't need charity. You're a heartless bastard if you are trying to use this terrorism as a means to persuade Bungie to give you shit. Comparing France's good financial situation and a terror death toll of ~140 vs Nepal's thousands with an economically tanked country and destroyed atmosphere after a natural disaster? Moronic. Absolutely moronic of you people. I'm willing to bet half of you couldn't even spot France on a damn map. I'm willing to bet less than an eighth of you could spot Nepal on a map. Seriously. Sorry to those who know what they're talking about but a majority don't. I'm tired of seeing the clone wars of "Pray for Paris" in the Destiny forum and not Offtopic as well. //rant end



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      39 回覆
      • What about the 75,000 dead civilians in Syria? Nepal was a natural disaster and Bungie usually helps out during those (Haiti for example). This however is a human disaster. It is essentially politics and not something that Bungie should get involved in.



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      • I don't want a shader this time. Just donate to the families directly.



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      • Idiots: "butt frans is lik, sooper rich n stuf." Yeah, because that means everyone there is well off. That makes it ok that hundreds of people died. (•_•)



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        10 回覆
        • You just want a new shader so you can be a special snowflake again.



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          3 回覆
          • People in Africa live in poverty, no clean water or food. No one bats an eye. One terrorist attack and everyone loses they're minds! Introduce some anarchy...



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            1 回覆
            • French shader = murica shader



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            • And why the -blam!- can it only be destiny? There are other much better games bungie has made.



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            • You want a French flag shader? Throw on chatterwhite.



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              • Aaaaaaaannnnnnnnddddddd this is why I carry guns



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                • Bump,



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                • What about kenya university attacks Or Lebanon explosion? Maybe they're too third world



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                • 由Leon1des編輯: 11/15/2015 5:44:52 PM
                  Why only Paris? What about Kenya, Syria, Nigeria, etc, all victims of the same terrorist acts. This is why this world is messed up. We select, like yourself what victims to care about and say "forget the rest." Victims are victims.



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                • 由MISTMAN編輯: 11/15/2015 4:26:01 PM
                  Last week ISIS blew up a Russian plane load of holiday makers in the airspace over Egypt. The Western media concentrated on whether western tourists would get home with their baggage Little mention was made of the 220 or more innocent men women and children and the poor airline crew. On Thursday, ISIS sent two suicide bombers into the beautiful and long suffering Lebanese capital, Beirut, killing 43 people and injuring over 200. It barely got mentioned in the news - despite the fact that we should all be indebted to Lebanon for absorbing over a million Syrian refugees and doing much more than their fair share to ease the humanitarian crisis. The lives of Adel Termos, his young daughter and their fellow citizens - are they worth any less than the lives of the poor 129 or more innocent victims of Friday night's atrocity in Paris, France? I don't for one second think so. And yet the media treat these ISIS attacks in markedly different terms. In so doing - in ignoring the murders of Russian or Lebanese civilians - and In the comparatively saturation coverage of the horrific attacks in Paris, I honestly believe we are being given a distorted, racist narrative that is causing more intolerance and hurt. There can be no hierarchy of victims in this. Countless families have been left devastated and will never recover. It should not matter what nationality or language or city is concerned. That is why I have NOT put the French flag in my FB profile pic. Not to disrespect the souls who perished in the Paris massacres, but to honour ALL the victims of ISIS under its monstrous carnival of violence and bloodshed that has been unleashed in the Middle East and beyond.



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                  • 由iFaerieWraith編輯: 11/15/2015 12:29:51 PM
                    I'm sure you're referring to what Bungie and the community did for Nepal after the earthquake in April. As terrible and heart wrenching as the Paris incident is, it's just not as big of a catastrophe as the Nepal quakes were. Here are some numbers for you to think about: [b][u]April 2015 Nepal earthquake[/u][/b] 8,857 dead 21,952 injured [b][u]Paris Terrorist Attacks[/u][/b] 129 dead 352 injured I completely understand you can't put a "status" on such terrible events such as these. I do believe, however, that a community has to choose wisely when it comes to throwing charity events such as for Nepal, but these two situations are completely different as well. One was a natural disaster and one was strictly politics. If Bungie was to throw an event, it might lead to other issues. This game is played in many, many different countries with many different beliefs and I don't think bringing that sort of thing up around here will be good. With that being said, I think you have a good idea when it comes to raising some support for the victims and their families. As a DoD member, you should get some other dads on board and donate to The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (sort of like the United States American Red Cross) who happen to be helping with relief after the tragedy. There is plenty you can do as a group, I just don't see a community banding together for this. Good luck to you.



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                    • The thing is what would the money be used for. They don't need money, it wasn't a natural disaster where homes were destroyed. Raising money won't help them get over the deaths of all those people.



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                    • No. Don't drag Destiny into real world problems. Destiny is to escape that.



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                      • 由Mongoose編輯: 11/15/2015 5:51:46 PM
                        Move to offtopic



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                        • No support for the innocent Syrians killed though.



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                          2 回覆
                          • Yes lets milk them for money Cause that's what we do at bungie



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                          • Bump



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                          • Totally agree with you. I ll buy it any time if it is fof France support. Bungie: Make it happen!!!



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                          • yes, lets donate money to a country that already has enough money while the attacks in lebanon, yemen and india, countries which are all in huge need of economical support, are completely irrelevant and deserve no attention whatsoever [spoiler]dont go full retard, OP[/spoiler]



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                            5 回覆
                            • *changes Facebook picture to Paris flag "Man that'll show em! I'm the best guy ever. Now let me tell everyone how I prayed while on the toilet"



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