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由Derobe7777編輯: 11/15/2015 6:40:17 PM

Paris Attacks and Destiny Support

I had a thought of the Destiny and its community's support for the victims of the Paris Terrorist attacks. I know Bungie has raise money in the past for those in need and that is very honorable. What if someone at Bungie donated their time to create a shader or something else unrelated to ranking up your character and sold it through Tess Everis for something like $1. Maybe a shader or sparrow reflecting the colors of France. I would also hope Bungie could be sure that the money is going to a reputable charity for surviving victims or their families. As a Dad's of Destiny clan member (meaning that I am a Dad) I couldn't imagine how devastating it would be to lose my innocent child in an act like this or if a child lost their parent in an act like this. I am not an eloquent writer, and I don't want to get into politics, but I know there are many innocent victims that need to know they have support. I'm not sure the best way that that comes across, and is not always with Money, but as an American citizen I can't stand seeing innocent people die and everyone else left heartbroken, depressed and/or injured for the rest of their lives. I think any act of thoughtfulness from people they don't know will hopefully help their scars be a little less than what they could become.



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  • yes, lets donate money to a country that already has enough money while the attacks in lebanon, yemen and india, countries which are all in huge need of economical support, are completely irrelevant and deserve no attention whatsoever [spoiler]dont go full retard, OP[/spoiler]



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