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由steepergold555編輯: 11/24/2015 12:18:49 PM

A Lot of Destiny Hypocrites

I've noticed that any instance of Destiny in the #Gaming forum is met with massive amounts of flak. People call OP a Desticle and ramble on about how horrendous and overrated Destiny is, yet these same people have countless hours played and 3 level 40s. Really, people? You know who you are. It isn't the fact that people don't want Destiny posts in #Gaming that I'm pointing out, just the hypocrisy of individuals who publicly shame the game then proceed to play it vigorously.



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  • 由KDA420編輯: 11/24/2015 9:16:06 AM
    So you would trust the opinion of someone who hasn't played destiny? When it was released I verged an addiction to destiny. I know now that it a horrendously over marketed, over cut, repetitive grind with mediocre pvp. I know this because I have put the hours in.



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    • A desticle isn't someone who plays that game, most folks on have played it. A desticle is a Destiny fanboy, someone who defends it; and posts topics about it in the wrong forums. Bungie's over promise and miserable under delivery of Destiny has earned them a lot of resentment among their fans, so seeing a fanboy just makes us annoyed.



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      • Welcome to #Gaming guardian, you have posted in the incorrect sub-forum. You need to post this instead in [url=]Destiny[/url] Edit and change your tag from #Gaming to #Destiny Thank you



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      • Destiny had potential. What a waste of time.



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      • 由Arashi Sora編輯: 11/24/2015 9:34:28 AM
        lolz No body plays Destiny anymore. There are many better games out there and don't have continuously recycled content. The only people that play Destiny are those with such little self worth that the only thing they have is too collect and do everything possible in the game so they can call other "scrubs" to make themselves feel better about their otherwise miserable existence. Because they as hell ain't playing that for "fun". Bungie nerfed "fun" from the game the moment they decided to Activision ruin their company.



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      • 由Jotaro Kujo PhD編輯: 11/24/2015 7:37:45 AM
        A Destiny player is not necessarily a Desticle. That term is reserved for people who post in the wrong forum and give people shit for telling them to correct their mistakes.



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      • A desticle is a person who joined bnet after destiny.



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        • Desticle =/= Someone who plays Destiny But they do go overboard.



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        • Actually with the new Eula of we're forced to have a Destiny account in order to use the forums So -blam!- you And -blam!- Destiny And Bungie Because who really cares



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        • 由KAROBBO666編輯: 11/22/2015 8:29:35 PM
          I think the reason there are so many people with 3 lvl 40s giving destiny flak is that we saw the potential of the game enjoyed it then since taken king with every update they have made the game worse and worse, I for one haven't played in almost two months because I've had enough of the constant grind and time gated exotics and bungie constantly changing things to suit themselves while leaving bigger issues unattended to since year one such as the crucible being a huge lagfest. All bungie seems to want is for you to dedicate every moment of gaming time you have to their game and I find that it turns the game from being fun into being a chore.



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        • You can like destiny without being a desticle



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        • You have one level 29 and less than 2000 grimoire. Scrub



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          • Current state is, in my opinion, the worst Destiny has been in. Light level change was disappointing and really isn't relevant enough to grind raids like in the past. PvP feels broken. No more reason to do bounties or strikes. Exotic gear waaaaay too easy to get. Scary part is that there is no real direction from here from the Bungie team. DLC's kept this game alive, but with none currently planned there is nothing to look forward to. After 1000+ hours I'm done with the game until they make some major changes.



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          • People will be back, how long will pvp, and zombies last? I played halo all night, and all the equipment is random, get point by winning, buy packages, get random gear. Nope, this will not last for a year. BO3 same shit!



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          • Desticle



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          • Go to the very top post of this #gaming subsection - the one written by bungie's Cozmo - that explains what this subsection is for. What do the very first few lines say? And that's why many don't want to see destiny posts here Also, the original meaning of desticle was an uncritical destiny fanboy, so that's why even destiny players might call a fellow destiny player a desticle - but really, I wouldn't take the term too seriously, anyway



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            • #Offtopic



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            • So I will inform some of you that obviously the term Desticle came from Offtopic. A Desticle was anyone that played the game and were attacked mercilessly until they left. Then here comes Christmas and more and more Destiny players arrive and slowly the definition changes. Face it, soon most people here will be playing Destiny



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            • Not wanting Destiny posts in #Gaming is the point m8.



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              • 由USS Liberty編輯: 11/21/2015 8:20:34 AM
                [i]Destiny has a forum dedicated to it. The #Gaming subforum is for every game but Destiny. The fact that people have so many hours on a game then criticize it shows that they probably know what they are talking about. I myself hate Destiny now and only play it when my friend asks me to. However, I will only call someone a Desticle if they act like one. Not "just because".[/i]



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                • Im allowed to say shit, i havent played shitstiny since june



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                • The fact you're ignoring is that the people who have played it the most have the most right to criticize it.



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                  • People's opinions change. Most people agree that after they stopped playing destiny, they lost the drive to ever go back and realised how flawed it really is. It's too late to take back those hours played at that point. I will agree however that some people on this subforum are extremely quick to hate on anything that even remotely pertains to Destiny. While I know the game was not great and is praised far more than it should be, I cannot deny that I enjoyed playing it for several months. I was not as consistant in playing it as most others so I did not get burned out on it all too fast. What finally turned me away was a mixture of amazing games being released, as well as the the ever more apparent terrible business practices that surround the game. It's ok to dislike the game, and it's ok to correct others when they post Destiny topics in the wrong subforum. But half of the people here are just as toxic as Destiny players when correcting them. It's quite as knowing that #gaming is no better than #Destiny at times.



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                  • 由Senor Crouch編輯: 11/21/2015 7:18:14 AM
                    Guardians who defame other Guardians or go about saying things like, "Destiny sux" should be discouraged imo. However if they are saying, "Destiny sux" and then proceed to list off a list of suggestions that could help Destiny become better, well that is much more constructive. The latter I don't mind. But, on that same note, do not let it get to you too much. This is the internet after all.



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                  • Mm I stopped playing but I have a level 40, and that's because I wanted to try the raid which disappointed me.



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                  • I haven't touched the game since I got 3 level 40's. Only reason I ever touch destiny is to play with my friends because alt least that aspect of the game is fun.



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