After reading the December Update, I nearly lost my shˆt! It's about dåmn time Bungie. I mean the Crucible is full of døuche bags who use nothing more than the fˆcking Red Death, Bad Juju, or Hawksaw to get their cheap kills. I've been a Scout Rifle/Auto Rifle player since the days of old and cannot for the life of me get a long range kill without a PR taking me by storm.
So to all the fags that are crying about it, ESPECIALLY shotguns, go play PvE then. Crucible has enough åssholes who know nothing more than to use 1 gun for each game.
Edit 1: I am NOT a Y2 player. This account's stats may show that I'm year 2, but check out my other account "An0nYm0u5JAMSK8" for more stats. I have seen it all. Scouts won't change. Autos won't change. They are getting a slight buff on Autos to compete FAIRLY against Pulse. Scouts have, and always will be the most balanced weapon types. Maybe they should just make this game run on Scouts. Let's see if players can actually play with them.
Edit 2: So, I'm done replying to all the negative replies. Bungie knows what they're doing. If you came in here to say that I'm whining or your against the Pulse Rifle/Shotgun nerfs, then you're the ones crying and complaining about it. I don't have all day to throw out my arguement that PRs need a nerf. They've been OP since 2.0 rolled out, more noticeable when 2.1 was out as well. ARs were great again, and still are, but not enough to go head-to-head with PRs. Scouts are balanced. They won't change. End. Of. Story. Keep your arguements to yourself. Admit it, you're sad that they're getting nerfed. #scouts4lyfe
And this, dear friends, is why this game has become the mess it is today. A small but highly organized group of whinging pvp loving asshats beating down bungies doors and crying for nerfs. They are the cancerous lump that is destroying the playability of the game both in pvp and pve. Balance will never happen unless all weapons, perks, abilities and specials are nerfed to the same level. Even then, more skilled players will still dominate. But by that time there will be nothing left to dominate other than the decaying body of a once great game. If you don't want this to happen stop nerfcalling.
So anyone who doesn't play the game the way you want them to play, no pulse and no shotguns, are fags and a.ssholes and douchebags? You're cancer to this community. This game is about doing what you want, and as long as they don't exploit any bugs and cheats, and you don't get to be mad at anyone because of their play style
This is why i enjoy halo 5, balanced multiplayer, and no HAHA your pulses are getting nerfed!!! I wanted to return to Destiny today for IB, should i?
They are needing pulses into the ground they will become the new pre ttk auto rifles... Rip pulses. They buffed pulses base damage by 8% if I remember correctly because they were trash and now they are needing them back to that ?? If bungie knew what they were doing pulses wouldn't be dominant right now hand cannons wouldn't be terrible and neither would autos
Same as the first, second, third, 100th nerf. Doesn't matter how many times they do it. There will always be another weapon type for people to cry about. Simple!
You shoudn't use the word fag mate, people will just think you are an ignorant, offensive, uneducated, nasty child, and therefore your post will be disregarded completely.
My question to OP and others who agree with his flawed logic.... What is a pulse rifle abuser? How can someone abuse a gun in this video game? By pulling the trigger before you? I'm just appalled at the update. I still use the forums for shits and gigs but I've kicked destiny because of shit like this. Yes. Great, Bungie listens to the community but they have yet to realize the community doesn't always know the difference between what's good for the game and what's good for them. Reducing shot guns range to that of a Titan melee is by far in a way, the dumbest thing I ever heard of. Do you realize that shotguns in PvE are now rendered useless? Or do you not realize that the entire game will be affected by these changes, not just crucible where most of the complainers fail to shine anyway.
Used it like crazy in year one before it became cool, will continue to use them. I enjoyed bad juju before the pulse rifle update.
Says he uses scouts or autos, then bitches about peoplle preferring limited weapons... ... hypocrite. "Rated Teen" = whiney entitled bitches. Not a huge number, but they are loud.
You've got to be kidding. I use all the weapon types, and although I'm not a PvP expert by any stretch, I hold my own. If you can't compete against any of the weapon types then YOU have a problem, NOT the rest of us. Because of all your bitching and moaning you've been responsible for all the weapon types to be screwed. We'll be back to square one pretty soon because after weapon tuning 3.0 you all will bitch about AR's being OP! Go play some other game.
A real year one player would know that all those "cheap" pulse rifle kills will be replaced by "cheap" kills from whatever weapons people flood to next. An experienced fps player would understand even in the most balanced of games there will be a most used weapon. Get over it.
A smart player will adapt to the new op type of weapon no matter what. Keep using your scout rifle and enjoy being *$#£¥ on.