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12/3/2015 9:38:36 PM

Where's the movement meta?

Since everyone is complaining about special weapon users, how about you take note of some tips: If you're getting rushed by a shotgunner, try jumping backwards and hipfire your primary, and use your grenade if you have to. In close quarters combat, it's all about having the superior maneuvering. Sticky grenades and last word are always going to be the ultimate counter to shotguns. There's also using your own shotgun too... If you're having trouble with sniper fights, using scout rifles or pulserifles with effective strafing works very well, and if you have high agility, the middle perk lightweight or single point sling, it increases your ads movement speed. (Strafing means moving to the side while still shooting.) There's also the skill of being an awesome quickscoper, snapshot with shortgaze anyone? If you're going up against a sidearm user, just back up out of range and use your primary or rush shotgun-melee. And as for fusion rifles, use effective strafing. The more unpredictable and the more direction changes the better. And don't jump, unless maybe you're using bones of eao or twilight garrison, because you become very easy to track on the downwards trajectory. Tl;dr If someone is using a special weapon just have better movement and mobility.



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  • I used to always blink shotgun in year 1 and movement was the only real problem that stopped me from getting kills. Shotguns were mainly op because most people just stand still when you slide towards them with a shotgun making it easy. Well said matey



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