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由Crabbotelli編輯: 12/21/2015 12:47:40 PM

Warning for noobies thinking of buying the booster packs

DON'T This is nearly the price of a full game and does not represent value for money, not even remotely. This is not a thread about pay to win/bungie lied Frankly those arguments bore me now as everybody is just saying the same. Here my concern is people may be unaware what a waste of money it is. It's takes 2-6 hours to get to level 25 and being 25 offers you not much more than at level one. At £5 maybe it's a more realistic ask but this is just outrageous. This booster pack is barely a booster at all, starting from scratch doesn't put you at that much of a disadvantage and a few games in crucible you'll easily get to that level. The game is not old enough to warrant a noobie booster pack at that price as the time saved is minimal. Not to mention surely you'll want to play through the missions as you bought the game to play. Being a level 25 in the early missions will make the game easier, but honestly it's easy enough without it. That being said its your money you want to get it, that's up to you, I just think you'll regret it once you do Edit: spelling/grammar corrections Edit 2: few people have brought up the reduction in materials you would have if you skipped these levels and jumped straight into TTK, it's a good point that I had not considered Edit 3: common counter argument other than the troll posts is many noobs won't see this sort of message, so it's pointless, if just a few see this and realise, I would considered it a success I for one, was in the forums early on into my progress of this game. For me it's more an altruistic approach, in I believe it doesn't represent value for money, and there's no way to know that unless you play the game, it doesn't directly affect me but doesn't mean I can't try to show people it's way overpriced Edit 4: seems to have created a good discussion about value for money. To those arguing against my post thank you for the well reasoned points (on the most part). In fairness I hadn't really considered the fully upgraded subclass but I still believe it doesn't represent value for money. Those saying we should bump over Christmas period to help the visibility of this post for Christmas noobs I think is an excellent idea, and shows this community can be positive.



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  • Xmas bump



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  • Exploiting the ignorant, Bungie. tsk tsk This close to Christmas too, obviously you knew there would be an influx of new players.



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    • People did warn others that introducing cosmetics micro transactions was a slippery slope......



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    • Right! Don't buy a game then pay to NOT play it! Play through at least once. If you want to run a second tune and don't want to play those missions again, well it's your money. So when Destiny 2 comes out and the light level is 50, what will they charge to get you to 40?



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    • What's worst for me is that I think the booster back are counter-intuitive to the refer a friend system, which encourages teaming up with a veteran because you're under leveled. It's like the offer that option or the "Frack other people you got this guardian" approach.



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      5 回覆
      • Tell em bro!! N honestly it'll only take me like 2 maybe 3 hours to get to lvl 25 .. These -blam!- gotta be dumb to buy it !!!



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      • 由Graystash編輯: 12/17/2015 9:03:00 PM
        This needs to be trending more. It is not about what Bungie does (usually lie about everything) but about taking advantage of new people. If anyone still buys this game. Any new player should know that leveling for the the first 25 levels is fairly fast. Do the first 5 missions get to level 4 and unlock the bounties then pick them up and play some crucible (control likely best for speed of games or SRL at the moment) and then play the rest of the missions so you can go faster through what are already short missions. Bounties are fairly easy to do and can give you several levels jump. Buying the boosts or any cosmetic stuff does not fund any future DLCs so far we have seen it mostly funds more paid cosmetic stuff and limited time events like the Festival of the Lost and SRL.



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      • You might as well be posting religious freedom information on a muslim terrorist website. Think about it, the people that will buy this boost are just getting destiny and most likely have never been to this forum. What you are actually doing is informing every person who already bought this and then comes here that they are morons.



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      • This booster thing is a seriously unscrupulous business practice. I like Destiny. I have a good time with it. However, this shakes my trust in Bungie and Activision moving forward. New players should not be screwed over by such a bad deal. Heed the OP's words. Vote with your wallets, new players. Do not purchase these boosters because 1) it's a bad deal, 2) grinding is part of the fun and reward, and 3) if you purchase and support these kinds of transactions, I worry Destiny may offer other gameplay benefits for a price.



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      • Think about the booster pack like a car valet. Not everyone is going to valet their car, in fact most will park it on their own and walk, but some will find the value in the valet service. Clearly the booster pack isn't marketed at you as you perceive no value, but surely there are some people who do see the value. To those people it's all about convenience, not cost.



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        5 回覆
        • It's worth $2.99 at most. I'd personally rather just play the game and enjoy the experience.



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          • 由GallowsPole編輯: 12/17/2015 11:41:09 PM
            I think you tubers and people who add asinine requirements for lfg should foot the bill for booster packs since the pretty much tell you which weapons you need before you are allowed to play with the elites. EDIT: I am glad though people are using 6 man fire teams to cheat at sparrow racing. Now anyone who never shot a gun can join lfg teams. You can boost, just don't pay for it.



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          • Only thing I'd change is that for a new player, 2-6 hours to get to 25 is pretty unrealistic. Depends on how much time they have to play, they could get to 25 in a day. Probably 10 hours to get to 25 what with them likely spending time exploring and maybe doing some patrols and collecting materials and chests and whatnot.



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            • Pay Bungie NOT TO PLAY their game , sounds like a GREAT IDEA.......RIGHT



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            • 由TwoStickZach編輯: 12/18/2015 2:27:07 AM
              The [i]real[/i] problem is that Bungie now looks at unnecessary grinding as a source of revenue instead of a design flaw. A good opinion piece that this idea is from:



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              6 回覆
              • Please listen to this man! It takes all of 5-6 hours to get to 25 if you are productive with your time! Bungievision is [i]trying[/i] to screw you out of money!



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              • Bump for the Christmas Noobs



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              • Great post and I applaud the warning to help suggest to others what value is....and isn't. One other thing that I thought about, and this is something important to me and surely may not be to others, is that when you insta-level a subclass you miss out on valuable in-game experience and the learning of the nuances of that subclass. Call me crazy, but I kind of enjoy the trial and error that comes from learning from my mistakes and from experimenting with each upgraded 'piece of the puzzle' I progress and earn them. What works...what doesn't work...what works with this and/or that...what I could cared to do without....what I can't wait to progress beyond-- it's all helping my Guardian (well, me) understand what each respective class/subclass and all the unique perks/upgrades are all about. Even as a kid, I'd rather get a Death Star lego set to dive into and put together for Christmas, than the fully assembled version. Then I'd disassemble and try to convince the pieces to play nice in order to come together to make Yoda's head. To me the fun is seeing it all come together to better understand how it all works and to actually learn and gain experience in the process. But that's just my 2 cents and meager contribution to the matter. The price [i]is[/i] wickedly insane though, compared to the gain/reward, but I do understand that some people don't want to take, or just don't have as much time, to fully level/upgrade up a subclass. The insta-level 25 part is easily done in a couple hours of in-game time, but I admit that fully leveling a subclass can take quite a lot longer-- especially for someone with very limited in-game time. I'll easily be able to get all 3 characters to level 40, but it is going to be tough sledding (with my limited game time) to fully max out 9 subclasses. By the time I do, they'll probably have added 3 more for each class or completely reworked the subclass system and structure. But for me, I'd still prefer to 'learn on the job' and fully appreciate what my class/subclass is meant to do...and be and spend that money on someday owning a real Death Star. Again, kudos to you for at least putting out the warning for others to see. It's still completely their choice but at least with posts/threads like yours, they will be better informed (if they choose to read), before they make their decision and spend-- what is to probably be-- hard earned money.



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              • We should all bump this post on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day so that more new players are likely to see it if they happen to come on the forums.



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              • I really hope that there are 0 sales for this just to kick Bungivisions teeth in. But someone out there will buy it..



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              • I don't get it? Buy a game and then pay more money not to have to play it. . . there's something really wrong there?



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                • Thank you for having a legit point of view on this and not just making a "omg bungie lies to us!! Hdhagsjagshahs" post.



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                • Sadly gamers have become so used to simple games that don't require effort or games with paywalls or pay to get past an area that this is going to sell like hotcakes and Bungie knows it. They're trying to get mobile gamers interested by offering something they're used to seeing even when it offers absolutely no benefit to them at all.



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                • It's not hard to it if you have excessive money and don't want to grind...don't if you value your money.......



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                • Good on ya!



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